time to recover from opiates

How Long Does Opiate Recovery Take?

80% of current heroin users started out by prescription opioid abuse. Back in the 1990s, opioids became prescribed more than necessary. It’s this overuse of opiates that’s led to the current epidemic in the United States. And that’s why we’re here to discuss opiate recovery.

These drugs are obviously dangerous and create life-threatening situations. However, recovery from addiction or misuse of opioids is possible. It’s not an easy, or pleasant, experience. But if you or a loved one are suffering from opiate addiction, there is hope.

Today we’ll look at the opiate addiction and recovery process. We’ll show you how long it takes, and how you can get started.

Opioid vs. Opiate vs. Narcotic

The first step to understanding the opiate recovery process is the differences between the drugs.


Opioid describes all synthetic versions of natural opiates. These are drugs like Oxycontin and Fentanyl.


Opiates are natural or slightly modified versions of the opium poppy flower. All opiates are created from this natural resource.

Morphine and heroin are two examples of opiates.


Narcotic is a term that’s been used to describe any drug that alters a user’s mind. Narcotics generally induce drowsiness, too.

The Opiate Recovery Process

If you or a loved one has an addiction, the opiate recovery process can be overwhelming. Where do you start? How do you get started? And how much will it cost?

The bottom line is this – no matter the level of your opiate addition, you will need professional help to overcome it.

The opiate recovery process is different for everyone. These five steps give you an overview of what to expect.

Methadone Treatment

Methadone treatment is one of the more popular treatment options. Methadone is a drug that relaxes a patient. It’s such a potent drug that it helps diminish the effects of opiate withdrawal.

Heroin is one of the most common opiate addictions. Methadone is often used to treat heroin withdrawal. Because of how effective methadone is at alleviating the withdrawal symptoms, it’s utilized to treat other opiate addictions as well.

Methadone Detox and Maintenance

Methadone detox is part of methadone treatment. It’s growing in popularity as the information surrounding it increases. One source even says that a methadone detox is effective 50 – 90% of the time.

Methadone is actually a narcotic as well, but it’s tightly controlled. It’s almost used exclusively for opiate recovery treatment.

However, since it’s addictive as well, a maintenance schedule has to be followed. You’ll be prescribed certain dosages of methadone on a predetermined schedule. These dosages will decrease over time.

Following this maintenance schedule ensures that you get the benefits of methadone detox, without running the risk of getting addicted to another opiate.

Methadone Maintenance Benefits and Risks

While methadone maintenance is a popular opiate recovery option, there are risks too. Let’s start by looking at the benefits first.


The biggest benefit of methadone maintenance is that it’s less severe and painful than withdrawal on your own.

Since methadone has to be prescribed, you’ll likely receive it in some sort of inpatient or outpatient treatment program. A treatment center provides a wide array of resources – aside from using methadone – to help you on your opiate recovery journey.

Going to a treatment center also expedites the process to a recovery center. A recovery center helps you get rid of the habits that caused your addiction in the first place.


There’s always the risk of starting an addiction to methadone. It is an opiate, after all.

You also run the risk of overdosing if you ever relapse. Methadone treatment is effective, but it makes your body less responsive to opiates in the future.

The benefits outweigh the risks of methadone maintenance, and it’s growing in use and popularity because of that.

Opioid Addiction

Opioid addiction is treated a lot like an opiate addiction. However, opioid addiction usually isn’t as severe as an opiate.

Common prescription opioid addictions include Oxycontin and Vicodin. These are available opioids that are prescribed with regularity for all kinds of pain.

Overcoming an Addiction

If you or a loved one is going through the opiate recovery process, you need to be aware of just how much it affects your life.

Everything from family to work and friends will be impacted by your recovery process. Before you start your recovery process, it’s a good idea to set affairs in order.

You’ll want to make sure your friends and family know where you’re going to be, and what you’re getting treated for. Often, we don’t share the details of opioid addiction with many others.

If a close friend or family member is going through the recovery process, it’s important for you to be as supportive and helpful as possible. This doesn’t mean that you enable them to use. Instead, it means that you’re there to remind them they have someone rooting for them.

The road to recovery from addiction to opiates is far from easy, but it’s necessary to avoid an early death. If you’re ready to start your journey to a better life, get in touch with us today.

We’ve got a wealth of information on detox, methadone, and opioid addiction. Check out our articles or contact us at (855) 976-2092 to find help in your home state.


[1] HHS.gov/Opioids: The Prescription Drug & Heroin Overdose Epidemic. (2017, December 21). Retrieved from https://www.hhs.gov/opioids/

[2] NIDA. (2015, February 11). Patients Addicted to Opioid Painkillers Achieve Good Results With Outpatient Detoxification. Retrieved from https://www.drugabuse.gov/news-events/nida-notes/2015/02/patients-addicted-to-opioid-painkillers-achieve-good-results-outpatient-detoxification on 2019, February 18

[3] Holpuch, A. (2017, October 25). Route to recovery: how people overcome an opioid addiction. Retrieved from https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/jun/22/opioid-addiction-america-solutions-that-work

timeline for opiate detox

What is an Opiate Detox Timeline?

Opioid addiction has long been a crisis in America. So much so, in fact, that 115 Americans overdose on them every single day.

Forty years ago, law enforcement was only concerned with heroin, but now prescription painkillers and synthetic opioids are also causing crime and thousands of deaths per year.

If you or someone you know is suffering from substance abuse, you may feel like you’ve been sucked into a black hole. It may seem like there is no escape from the vicious cycle of addiction. This, however, is not true. You have options.

One of those options is methadone. To use this treatment successfully, you must understand its benefits and risks, as well as the opiate detox timeline. This guide will help you figure out your next steps.

What Is Methadone?

Methadone itself is an opioid. Created in World War II, it was initially used to treat pain. You can ingest it as a liquid, tablet, or powder. It will alter how your body responds to pain, alleviating you from it.

It may seem ironic that an opioid is used to stop opioid and opiate addiction, but methadone has a unique property. As an opioid agonist, it actually blocks your body from becoming intoxicated on other opioids, like heroin or oxycodone.

Although it blocks the body from getting high on other opioids and opiates, it will provide the patient with a mild version of what they’re used to. This is why it’s an opioid agonist – it activates opioid receptors. This is known as replacement or substitution therapy, which eases the severe withdrawal symptoms that occur during opiate detox.

It is not expensive in the United States, but because it is an opioid, it is highly regulated. You will need professional supervision while on this treatment.

Methadone Benefits

Methadone has been used as a treatment for opioid and opiate addiction since the 1970’s. This means that doctors know what they’re doing, and many former opiate addicts have successfully used it to get clean.

Although other treatments like buprenorphine have become popular, studies show that this method has a particularly high drop out rate.

Patients on methadone will feel their quality of life improving. This is especially true as they avoid infectious diseases through injection drug abuse, as well as the criminal activity associated with illegal drug use.

With methadone, the patient in recovery is able to focus on therapy and getting back on their feet because the drug blocks those extreme opiate detox timeline weighing on them. They will find themselves better able to function in society.

In methadone treatment, opiate addicts can find a job. They can return to their family. In fact, a judge may even reduce a criminal sentence if the defendant can show they have enrolled in a methadone treatment program.

Regardless of any other factor, the most important part of deciding which treatment to choose is to consider that every patient has different needs. That why it’s vital to discuss opiate treatment options with a medical professional before choosing a treatment plan.

Methadone Risks

While methadone treatment has a lower drop out rate, it has a higher mortality rate. Compared with buprenorphine, methadone users are five times more likely to die in their first month of treatment.

This is, however, due to incorrect usage – specifically overdoses. And after that first month, mortality went right back down.

Of course, treating opiate addiction is no easy task. All drugs used to effectively block opioid receptors, relieving withdrawal symptoms, but also blocking intoxication of other opiates, can be dangerous. They require close medical supervision to prevent serious side effects.

Overdose and addiction is possible with methadone use. In treatment programs, however, the amount of methadone prescribed is closely monitored to prevent an overdose from happening.

Unfortunately, addiction is inevitable. If the patient wants to cease all methadone usage, they will need to do so under medical supervision to ensure their safety.

The Opiate Detox Timeline

Before you or a loved one begins methadone treatment, it’s critical to understand the opiate detox timeline. This will prepare you for what to expect.

Withdrawal symptoms will begin within six to twelve hours of any short-acting opiate dose. For longer acting opiates, the timeline is thirty hours.

Initial symptoms include watery eyes, a runny nose, excessive sweating, anxiety, agitation, problems sleeping, fever, and muscle pain.

After about seventy-two hours, however, these symptoms heighten sharply. The patient can experience nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach cramps, shakiness, chills, restlessness, higher heart rate and blood pressure, depression, and cravings for the opiate.

While these symptoms diminish within four to ten days for most users, those recovering from methadone addiction may experience them for up to twenty-one days.

Even well after the patient has completely gone through opiate detox, they may still feel the effects of their addiction. They can develop Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS). These symptoms include depression, anxiety, fatigue, poor sleep, agitation, and reduced decision-making skills.

Additional Information

Little to no medical professionals would recommend a home detox method. Depending on the type of drug used, the dose per use, the frequency of dosage, the total time using, and the patient’s personal physical and mental health, the recommended treatment will differ. Also, the level of danger during detox will vary as well.

Through medical treatments like methadone, a patient can lessen the severity of the opiate detox timeline and allow themselves room to heal. These programs may also include nutritional support, hydration, hydrotherapy, analgesic use, sleep supplements, and over-the-counter medicines to ease symptoms like inflammation, diarrhea, and nausea.

When applying any detox tips or tricks to facilitate the uncomfortable detox process, make sure to first consult with a doctor, to make sure they don’t interfere with any part of the treatment.

For More Help

Conquering opiate addiction is a long and difficult journey. With the right medication and addiction support, however, anyone can get clean. With methadone, addicts can overcome the brutal opiate detox timeline.

If you’re looking for more information about how methadone combats opiate addiction, browse our educational posts at Methadone Near Me.

herbal detox remedies

Herbal Remedies that can Help with an Opioid Detox

Opioids may just be the most addictive substances out there. Whether you got them prescribed by a doctor or bought them illegally, it’s easy to get very hooked in no time. That’s why opioid detox can be so hard.

These drugs are among the most deadly, killing many thousands of Americans each year.

It’s important to quit as soon as possible, no matter how bad the withdrawal symptoms. The sooner you start, the better your odds of surviving the addiction.

There are several ways you can support your recovery and ease the suffering caused by addiction and withdrawal. Not all of these are fancy, complex, or expensive solutions.

Many natural herbs can help treat your symptoms and make your recovery easier.

Keep reading to learn about the best herbs for opiate withdrawal help.

1. Ginseng

Ginseng is a perennial plant with big, fleshy roots. There are 11 different species. Many consider ginseng the best remedy for fatigue.

This plant contains a cocktail of active substances. The most praised ones are the ginsenosides.

Ginseng is an adaptogen. Adaptogens are herbs that help stabilize your physiological functions and maintain homeostasis. They get their name from their ability to adapt to your needs.

They work like a thermostat. When a thermostat senses a low temperature, it starts heating up. If it senses a hot temperature, it cools down. Adaptogens like ginseng can give you energy and calm you down.

When you taper off or quit cold turkey, you will feel a lot of fatigue. This can last for weeks or, in extreme cases, months.

If you have responsibilities that demand work, such as a job or children to take care of, this will be a big struggle. This is a major factor in many relapses and life crises.

You don’t want to have to choose between getting clean and taking care of your life, just because you feel terrible.

Ginseng and other adaptogens will make this easier. Giving you the energy and tension relief you need to deal with withdrawal, ginseng for opioid detox is suggested.

The main benefits of ginseng are:

  • More energy without overstimulation
  • Better response to stress
  • Improved adrenal system health
  • Restored hormonal balance
  • Less anxiety and fatigue

This randomized double-blind study conducted in 2010 confirmed the effectiveness of American ginseng against cancer-induced fatigue.

Opioid withdrawal is a severe physical condition. Treating it with adaptogens calls for high-quality herbs. Look for quality ginseng or ginseng extracts.

Take two to three doses each day for the best results.

2. Cannabis

Cannabis has a wide range of beneficial effects on sufferers of opioid withdrawal and PAWS.

It’s anti-inflammatory and reduces pain with zero risk of overdose. And it’s not very addicting. The psychoactive “high” of cannabis can also help reduce opioid cravings.

Cannabis is gaining popularity as an official treatment for opioid detox. A recent survey also revealed that 92% of respondents would rather use cannabis over prescription painkillers.

Other than the positive effects on mood and pain management, cannabis is also good for:

  • Nausea relief
  • Temperature regulation
  • Reducing anxiety
  • Curing diarrhea
  • Stimulating your appetite
  • Improving sleep
  • Relieving muscle cramps

While natural cannabis and extracts require a prescription in most states, CBD oil is more available.

This product has no THC, so it doesn’t have the psychedelic effects. It still has most of the beneficial effects, pain and stress relief in particular.

CBD makes a good remedy for opioid detox, although the herb itself is considered a more effective and better option.

3. Passionflower

This beautiful flower has a long history as a natural remedy for various health afflictions.

The relevant beneficial effects for opioid withdrawal are:

  • Less insomnia
  • A calmer gastrointestinal tract
  • Reduced anxiety and depression
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Pain relief

Passionflower contains harmine and harmaline. These are MAOIs (monoamine oxidase inhibitors.) Many other flavonoids found in passion flower are also MAOIs.

MAOs are enzymes responsible for breaking down neurotransmitters. Inhibiting these enzymes from doing their job can have great positive effects on your mood.

Taking MAOIs during opioid detox can give you an abundance of these mood-lifting chemicals in your brain:

  • Serotonin – Causes happiness and relaxation
  • Epinephrine and Norepinephrine – Increase energy, reduce fatigue, depression, and stress
  • Dopamine – Responsible for desire and pleasure

Pharmaceutical MAO inhibitors were once common prescriptions for depression. The downside was that certain foods would cause dangerous reactions with the medicine.

The mild, natural, reversible MAOIs found in passion flower are a safe option. They help fight depression without any unpleasant side effects, unlike modern antidepressants.

It affects many of the same brain receptors though. One key example is the production of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). This neurotransmitter reduces stress and relaxes muscles. It’s part of why coffee feels so good.

You can buy the herb in its natural state for eating or tea infusions, or you can buy tinctures or capsules.

3-4 doses a day grants the best effects.

4. Reishi Mushroom

This mushroom is one of the most valuable and sought-after adaptogens in natural medicine. It’s been revered for its medicinal properties in China for over 2,000 years.

Reishi is in the “tonic herb” category. Ginseng is another example of such herbs.

The Chinese consider tonic herbs so important and beneficial to overall health and life quality that many recommend taking them every day. Even if you’re in perfect health.

As an adaptogen, reishi can increase energy when you’re fatigued. However, the most sought-after effect is the improved mood.

Other benefits include:

  • Mental relaxation and focus
  • Less depression and anxiety
  • A stronger immune system
  • Better cardiovascular function
  • Accelerates the liver’s ability to clear out drugs and other toxins

When it comes to relieving PAWS symptoms, reishi mushroom may be the best natural treatment. It can also induce a slight euphoric effect. The effect will be subtle at first, but increases with repeated use.

You can buy it in capsule form or as whole mushrooms. Take it twice a day to boost your brain and nervous system.

5. Kava Kava Root

Also known as just Kava. This plant comes from the western Pacific Ocean region. Polynesian people have used it for relaxation and pain relief for ages.

What makes it great is that these effects don’t come with any brain fog. On the contrary, Kava increases cognitive function and mental clarity.

Kava is a revered herb throughout the West Pacific region. Kava ceremonies are frequent. These can be important events attended by key religious and political figures.

The kavalactones in Kava Kava root have seen growing popularity as a remedy for opioid withdrawal and PAWS.

Some compare the positive effects to those of alcohol, for example:

  • Relaxation
  • Pain relief
  • Light euphoria
  • Talkativeness

It can also treat convulsions and seizures.

There are a few different ways of using this herb. You can buy the whole root and make Kava tea. You can also buy capsules, tinctures, or concentrated extracts.

6. Ginger

This common household herb can provide great opioid detox aid.

Gingerols are similar to the COX-2 inhibitors found in non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like Advil.

It’s a popular home remedy for arthritis and muscle discomfort.

Another helpful quality when dealing with opioid withdrawal and PAWS is its effect on the gastrointestinal tract. It helps reduce stomach aches, acid reflux, and nausea.

Scientific studies have confirmed these properties.

Final Thoughts on Helpful Herbs for Opioid Detox

Kicking opioids doesn’t have to mean either using harsh pharmaceuticals to reduce withdrawal symptoms or face them head-on without any help.

The herbs listed above can help you a lot with your symptoms and speed up recovery.

They work well together, and also make perfect companions for effective methadone treatment programs.

If you need help with detoxing from opioid and are looking for a clinic near you contact (855) 976-2092.


Barton, S. B. (2010, February 18). Pilot study of Panax quinquefolius (American ginseng) to improve cancer-related fatigue: a randomized, double-blind, dose-finding evaluation: NCCTG trial N03CA. Retrieved from pubmed.gov: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19415341

Reiman, A., Welty, M., & Solomon, P. (2017, June 1). Cannabis as a Substitute for Opioid-Based Pain Medication: Patient Self-Report. Retrieved from Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Publishers: https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/full/10.1089/can.2017.0012

Ernst, R., & Pittler, M. H. (1999, September 1). Efficacy of Ginger for Nausea and Vomiting: a Systematic Review of Randomized Clinical Traits. Retrieved from British Journal of Anaesthesia: https://watermark.silverchair.com/840367.pdf?token=AQECAHi208BE49Ooan9kkhW_Ercy7Dm3ZL_9Cf3qfKAc485ysgAAAkswggJHBgkqhkiG9w0BBwagggI4MIICNAIBADCCAi0GCSqGSIb3DQEHATAeBglghkgBZQMEAS4wEQQMtjnwfmx87ddWOekjAgEQgIIB_o72zSyPuHqXt169DEeWoElGlD1zdLLdmtZuw8Zf7Ml6AlL6


going through opiate detox

How to Survive Opiate Withdrawal

As a consequence of America’s deadly Opioid Crisis, more than 115 Americans die from an overdose in a single day.

In fact, nearly 66% of drug overdoses happen with drugs that can be classified as opioids.

The takeaway here?

The Opioid Crisis is not only still in full force within the United States, it may actually be getting even more severe.

Luckily, help is available for those who want to break the cycle of addiction and get clean and sober. While many addicts fear the potential social consequences of life without opioids, many also worry that they won’t be able to handle the process of opiate withdrawal.

Looking for advice on how to make it through the difficult, but incredibly rewarding, opiate withdrawal period?

If so, then read on.

A Brief Timeline

To overcome opiate withdrawal, it’s important that you first know what to expect. It is true that, while this class of drugs is one of the hardest to overcome an addiction to, it also has shorter physical effects than the withdrawal periods of other drugs.

However, the mental impact of withdrawal is often severe.

In the first three days of withdrawal, you’re the most likely to relapse.

You may find that you’re overly aggressive, experience serious mood swings, and perhaps even want to become violent.

You’ll also experience the physical symptoms of opiate withdrawal.

These include headaches, sweating, insomnia and nausea, issues with digestion, and aches and pains. Many people may also experience high anxiety and panic attacks.

After you make it through the first three days, you’re well on your way to beating withdrawal without relapse.

You likely still deal with a feeling of the shakes, you may not be very hungry, and you’ll probably deal with exhaustion.

After about a week, it will be time to focus on your long-term recovery process and, most importantly, your overall mental health.

Advice For Overcoming Opiate Withdrawal

Now that you have a better understanding of the timeline associated with withdrawal, let’s take a quick look at the best methods of survival if you’re one of the victims of the Opioid Crisis.

1. Detox In A Treatment Center

The reality is that detoxing and going through the symptoms of withdrawal without professional support and medical supervision can be incredibly dangerous.

No matter how strong you think you are, the truth is that you’re much more likely to relapse, or perhaps even face serious setbacks or death if you try to detox on your own.

If possible, enter a detox and rehabilitation center to make it easier.

Plus, doing so will also increase your chances of staying clean and sober in the long-term.

2. Fuel Your Body

If you’ve been struggling with opioid addiction, then chances are you haven’t been giving your body the nutrition it needs for quite some time.

We mentioned above that you’ll likely deal with a loss of appetite in the first few days of your withdrawal.

However, once you’re ready to start eating again, you need to begin to pay attention to the foods you put inside your body.

Above anything else, make it a point to drink as much water as you’re able to keep down during the detox process. If you become dehydrated, you put yourself at serious risk — and the opiate withdrawal process will only become more uncomfortable.

When you’re ready to take on solid food, make it a point to avoid anything that’s processed and unhealthy. Reach for vegetables, lean proteins, and a few fruits.

This will help to fuel your body without overwhelming your already weak system.

Try things like nuts, olive oil, kale, and other leafy greens, and even salmon.

If you want to take natural vitamins and supplements throughout the process, first, talk to your doctor.

3. Pay Attention To Bathroom Habits

It may not be pleasant to think about, but when you’re going through opiate withdrawal, you may struggle to go to the bathroom.

While some may struggle with diarrhea, others may find that they’re faced with severe constipation. If you experience the latter, then we suggest taking a mild laxative to help get things moving.

Also, be aware that some of the medication you’re given during the detox process may cause you to need a bathroom a little more frequently than you’re used to. This is normal but can be severe for some patients.

4. Sleep, Sleep And Sleep Some More

Our final piece of advice when it comes to surviving opiate withdrawal?

Make sure you’re getting as much sleep as you can. Aim for a minimum of eight hours every night.

In some cases, once you’ve made it past the first three days of withdrawal, you may still experience trouble with sleeping. If this happens, you can speak to medical professionals about potentially using a sleeping medication.

However, you shouldn’t expect to get a completely normal sleeping schedule back until about six months after you’ve stopped using.

Do You Or Someone You Love Struggle With Opiate Addiction?

We know that the thought of going through opiate withdrawal is intimidating.

However, we can guarantee that it’s worth it if it means you’ll live the rest of your life clean and sober.

Remember, during the detox process, get plenty of rest, fluids, and healthy, unprocessed foods. Also, if at all possible, seek the help of a professional medical team or rehabilitation center.

Methadone treatment works and it has been especially helpful in combatting an addiction to opioids.

Looking to learn more about whether methadone is right for you? Ready to find a clinic in your area?

If so, spend some time on our website to set yourself on the road to recovery or give us a call at (855)976-2092. We would love to help you get on the path to recovery. You deserve a better life!


[1] National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2019, January 22). Opioid Overdose Crisis. Retrieved from https://www.drugabuse.gov/drugs-abuse/opioids/opioid-overdose-crisis

[2] Inside a Killer Drug Epidemic: A Look at America’s Opioid Crisis. (2018, January 20). Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/06/us/opioid-crisis-epidemic.html

[3] Library, C. (2019, January 17). Opioid Crisis Fast Facts. Retrieved from https://www.cnn.com/2017/09/18/health/opioid-crisis-fast-facts/index.html

cbd benefits for recovering addicts

How To Use CBD Oil For Addiction To Opiates

An estimated 183,000 people worldwide have died from drug-related causes. And drug use is not rare, which is why CBD oil for addiction is getting popular. As many as 324 million people have used an illegal narcotic.

Should the user survive, do other dangers exist? Broken homes, lost careers, massive debts–these are only a few of the many perils.

Drug addiction also doesn’t discriminate. Men, women, the old and the young, the rich and the poor. No one is safe.

Despite the dangers, quitting drugs is a tough feat. People addicted to narcotics find themselves in a cycle. Drug addiction is a disorder involving chronic relapse and a compulsive craving to use.

But opiate addiction recovery is possible. Not only is it possible, but natural remedies also hold the keys to cure.

Do you or someone you care about suffer from the evil grip of opioid addiction? There’s hope.

Read on to discover the wonderful breakthrough research on CBD and recovery.

Why CBD Oil

When dealing with opiate addiction recovery, CBD is the ideal choice.

The cannabis plant has hundreds of compounds. Cannabidiol (CBD) is the second most bountiful cannabis compound.

CBD tempers the many brain circuits involved in drug addiction. It can limit or eradicate symptoms found in opioid withdrawals. These include severe pain, irritation, nausea, and anxiety.

Research has already shown how cannabis fights depression, anxiety, and chronic pain. People suffering from cancer and epilepsy experience the same symptoms.

Battling opioid addiction using cannabis offers serious benefits. Other substances employed to combat addiction carry negative side effects. Some are addicting, while others can damage vital organs when used for the long haul.

Hemp oil, on the other hand, doesn’t make people high. It also doesn’t cause permanent mental damage. Nobody can overdose from CBD.

How It Works

What specific work can CBD do in opiate addiction recovery?

Studies prove CBD stops the drug-seeking tendencies in opiate users. This happens in current users, as well as those with a history of drug abuse.

Further studies have also shown cannabis limits the euphoric feelings users get from opiate narcotics. CBD decreases the impact of the drugs on the central nervous system.

The result? Opiates become far less attractive during the nasty withdrawal period. Moreover, to put it plainly, using opiates become less fun.

There are two ways a recovering patient can use cannabis during opiate addiction recovery.

First, it can take the place of opiates while patients attempt to recover from opioid addiction. Second, CBD is excellent at managing the side effects brought on by opiate withdrawal.

Let’s look at each of these ways in detail.

Easing Withdrawal Symptoms

One of the harshest challenges in opiate addiction recovery is the withdrawal pains. Users find themselves vomiting, lying in bed very ill.

Opioids stick to our brain receptors, gastrointestinal tract, and spinal cord. The drugs cause the brain to then release dopamine. The euphoric high users get is thanks to dopamine.

The body of an addict gets used to the presence of these opiates.

Their body wants more of the substance. When habitual users say goodbye to opiates, the nightmare experience of withdrawal happens. And it’s not a pretty sight.

Withdrawal symptoms include poor moods, agitation and sleeping problems. The severity can be so horrible, many users don’t quit. They fear the experience of withdrawal.

CBD can reduce the pains of quitting opiates. Thanks to its anti-anxiety and pain-relieving effects, quitting opiates is far less harrowing for users.

Thanks to this, patients have more success on their road to opiate addiction recovery.

Substituting Opiate Use

In opiate addiction recovery, treating a patient doesn’t involve taking away the drugs alone. Something must take the place of opiates.

Enter CBD as a replacement substance during recovery.

Like Methadone Maintenance Treatment (MMT), patients can use CBD. MMT is a common way to inhibit withdrawal in patients.

Methadone is very effective. Thousands of opiate addicts around the world have found a successful life after methadone recovery.

CBD, however, provides its own set of advantages over methadone. First, CBD is not an opiate. It’s not only less addicting than opiates, CBD is not addictive at all.

Since CBD is not addicting, patients can have CBD in their possession. Their caretakers won’t have to worry about leaving CBD with a recovering addict.

Second, CBD’s role in replacement therapy during opiate addiction recovery doesn’t involve daily trips to a clinic. Researchers discovered how CBD has effects lasting for as long as two weeks.

Power of Edibles

Is smoking not for you or for the patient you know? Not everyone enjoys smoking. Some people have sensitive lungs.

This is where edibles make a perfect choice. Doctors recommend ingesting cannabis via edibles. This is especially true in the case of opiate addiction recovery.

Patients can consume CBD by ingesting capsules, oils and several other kinds of edibles. They even come in the form of delicious treats. You can find CBD-enriched cookies, brownies, and candies.

What’s one stark advantage of using medical cannabis in the form of edibles? The effects last longer when compared to smoking. The patient will also be free from the unfortunate stigma the ill-advised part of society has towards smoking.

A former opioid addict himself, Dr. Alan Miller, is a chiropractor. His addiction to painkillers grew after suffering from several fractures.

Dr. Miller decided to look into CBD as a treatment. CBD was able to not only treat his pain, it also allowed him to wean off the harmful opiates. He recommends a high CBD, low THC form of CBD medication. Twice a day, he ingested 20 milligrams of CBD edibles.

Opiate Addiction Recovery

Drug addiction is an epidemic. It spares no one. Not doctors, not saints.

It has ripped families apart. Young people with promising careers have died from overdoses. A quick look at the news will show anyone the ills these opiates gave our society.

Thanks to CBD and the many wonders of medical cannabis, anyone can recover from their opiate addiction.

Don’t be a statistic. Don’t allow a loved one to go through this illness alone.

We’re here to help. Learn more about the many wonders CBD can give sufferers. Find one of our clinics near you by visiting our site and learn more about the potential drawbacks of using methadone.

We’ve got a wealth of information on detox, methadone, and opioid addiction. Check out our articles or contact us at (855) 976-2092 to find help in your home state.


[1] Cannabidiol as an Intervention for Addictive Behaviors: A Systematic Review of the Evidence. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4444130/

[2] Medical cannabis and mental health: A guided systematic review. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0272735816300939


common signs of addiction

The Tell-Tale Signs of Opiate Addiction

America’s facing a serious issue. The opioid crisis is now stronger and more dangerous than it’s ever been. In fact, if something doesn’t change, opioid mortality rates are expected to kill approximately 500,000 people over the next decade.

Opioids are prescription painkillers that have gained popularity as a recreational drug. Unfortunately, due to their powerful addictive qualities, recreational use quickly turns into a serious drug problem.

A person with a dependency may be able to conceal the issue in the early stages. Eventually, they’ll start to show more apparent signs of opioid addiction.

If you suspect a loved one has a problem, it helps to educate yourself so you can spot the problem and get them the assistance they need.

To help you out, we’re going over some details about opioids and the tell-tale signs of addiction.

Becoming Addicted to Opioids

Doctors prescribe opioids for pain related to an injury, illness, or after a surgery. The drug produces artificial endorphins in the brain that block pain and create a feeling of euphoria.

If a person uses opioids for too long, their brain gets used to the endorphins and begins to rely on them. Once this happens, the brain stops producing its own natural endorphins. Therefore, the user becomes dependent on those endorphins created by opioids.

Dependence is a normal part of taking any drug for an extended period of time. However, addiction occurs when a person’s body and mind cannot function properly without the use of a drug.

At this point, the addict requires treatment to get over an addiction. In the case of opioids, this is overcoming addiction by use of methadone maintenance treatment.

Signs of Opiate Addiction

If you suspect a loved one has an addiction, it helps to know if they’ve ever needed a prescription for an opioid drug. They may have needed a painkiller for a medical condition and became addicted while taking it.

Some of the more common opioids include:

  • Hydrocodone
  • Oxycodone
  • Fentanyl
  • Morphine
  • OxyContin
  • Meperidine

Any of these opioids have the potential for serious addiction. Even if a person no longer has a prescription, they can find them illegally.

Once dependency reaches the addiction stage, the user will start to show both physical and behavioral signs of opioid abuse and addiction.

Physical Signs of Addiction

There are many physical symptoms of opiate abuse you’ll need to look out for. These symptoms mean that a dependency has turned to addiction and the person’s body needs the drug in order to feel normal and function day to day.


If you notice that a loved one is sometimes euphoric for no apparent reason, this could mean they’ve recently taken an opioid.

Do they seem tired and withdrawn one minute and happy and outgoing thirty minutes later? This is a result of the drug creating a “feel-good” effect by binding to opioid receptors in the brain.

Sedation or Fatigue

A general slowing of reaction time is one of the very common signs of opioid addiction. An addict’s breathing may slow down and their movements may become lethargic. They may even pass out.

They may also frequently seem tired and unmotivated. This is a result of either a strong opiate high or withdrawal-related depression.

Stomach Issues

Opiate addiction sometimes causes the user to experience nausea or vomiting. This is often associated with too much of the drug in their system.

They may also have frequent constipation. This is a side-effect of all opioids as well as heroin.

Changes in Appearance

There are a number of temporary and permanent changes to a person’s appearance that could be signs of opioid addiction. Some could indicate that they’re currently on an opiate or that they’ve been using them for an extended period of time.

Their skin may get flushed from time to time. You may also notice splotches of red where they’ve scratched – opiates tend to make some people itchy.

If you notice constricted pupils, they may currently be on drugs.

Finally, opioid addiction could cause a person to either gain or lose weight. Opiate addicts tend to crave sugary foods, which may cause them to gain weight quickly. They may also lose their appetite altogether.

Behavioral Signs of Addiction

Sometimes the physical signs of opioid addiction are a little easier to spot than changes to a person’s personality. In most cases, an addict will take measures to hide their addiction, knowing the people closest to them will notice a change.

However, if a person is heavily addicted, they’ll eventually start to show behavioral symptoms. If you’ve known them for a long time, these signs should be easy to spot.

Social Withdrawal

If a friend or family member starts to gradually withdraw from social circles, this is a red flag. Opiate use causes a person to alter their routine to fit their addiction. This means more time alone and forming new connections with other users or dealers.

They may also start to withdraw from activities they were previously passionate about. You may notice that when they actually do participate in things, it seems forced.

Nervousness or Irritability

They may start showing signs of anxious behavior. They could also seem self-conscious or secretive around family or friends. This could be a result of the knowledge that their addiction is out of control.

Anger or irritability are also common signs. These outbursts may come out of nowhere.

Criminal Behavior

It’s common for addicts to look for other means of obtaining drugs or money. If a loved one starts engaging in criminal acts such as theft, their addiction has gotten out of control.

As an addiction progresses, the user must take more and more of a drug in order to get high. This means a much bigger need for money. It also means they may take desperate measures to support their habit.

Seek Treatment Sooner Than Later

If you have a family member or friend who you think has an opioid problem, look for the sings discussed above. They most likely won’t show all of them, but any one of these symptoms are indications of addiction.

Opiate addiction is potentially fatal. An addict must seek treatment as soon as possible so the road to recovery can begin now.

For more information on treating opioid addiction, check out our methadone blogs or give us a call at (855) 976- 2092.


[1] STAT forecast: Opioids could kill nearly 500,000 in U.S. in next decade. (2018, April 12). Retrieved from https://www.statnews.com/2017/06/27/opioid-deaths-forecast/

[2] How opioid drugs activate receptors. (2018). Retrieved from https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/how-opioid-drugs-activate-receptors

[3] Painkiller Addictions are the Easiest to Hide? (2017, June 2). Retrieved from https://tonic.vice.com/en_us/article/3kzn49/painkiller-addictions-are-the-easiest-to-hide

Co-Occurring Opioid Use

How Opioid Use Affects Mental Health

The opioid crisis is long reaching, affecting people of all demographics. The federal government and social outreach programs continue their best to curb opioid use despite what seems to be a losing battle.

Opioid use, its abuse, and accidental death from overdose increased by four times by 2008 vs 1999. Long-term effects of opioid abuse will likely see individuals, families, and communities shattered.

The detriment to mental health is particularly hardest hit by opioid use.

This article will share the true reality of opioids and what they do to individuals and our society. And, what the government and programs are doing to curb and help those so dearly affected by the crisis.

The Mind-Shattering Fallout of Opioid Use: Prescriptions and Mental Illness in the U.S.

Our concern for mental illness became a central topic in the U.S. for several reasons — drug addiction one of them. Mental illness is a difficult phenomenon to pinpoint. Though, our understanding improves with time.

In fact, 1 out of 5 Americans will experience some form of mental illness each year. 1 in 25 will endure a severe mental illness in the same timeframe.

Causation of mental illness is often attributed to genetics, infections, defects, and as per topic… opioid use. Opioids are known to create and/or trigger mental health episodes with their users. It gives an opportunity to study the effects of drug abuse and mental illness.

How are opioids rewiring our brain, causing and exacerbating mental illness?

Chemical Imbalance

Professionals understand depression and bipolar personalities are the results of chemical imbalances. Prescription drug abuse floods chemicals to neurotransmitters creating an imbalance.

Those with lurking mental health issues seemingly “unlock” their disorders through opioid use. Permanent damage to the neurotransmitters results in long-term imbalances. This deepens the mental health problems.

Opioids mimic neurotransmission producing a euphoric effect with dopamine and serotonin hit hardest. Repeated drug use leads to neurological damage creating a dampening effect on receptors. The extreme “lows” during recovery are the body’s inability to sustain neurotransmission.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Unnerving experiences from abusive relationships, combat experience, assault, and disasters often form PTSD. PTSD causes several mental health problems from depression to chronic pain and anxiety.

Drug abuse has increased among those with PTSD. The combination creates a volatile mental instability. Drug abuse becomes the go-to method to numb feelings and pain. This leads to addiction and potential life-threatening outburst.

In fact, PTSD as a criminal defense is considered according to the study on the National Institute of Health. as a legal defense. But, pairing with possession often sends individuals through the system. This places them in an environment devoid of therapy. Once freed, they return to society with tougher problems and return to opioid use as an escape.

Performance Dysfunction

Opioid use becomes a mainline activity placing strains on relationship and careers. This creates a domino effect starting with connections and leading to workplace performance.

The crumbling relationships and performance slowly remove support. Users often turn to illegal activities to support habits. Soon, the addiction is the driving force leaving them alone or paired with other addicts.

Untreated mental illnesses progress until users become “lost” to the epidemic and disorders.

Access & Availability

Many receiving opioids have preexisting mental health issues. Our awareness and understanding of mental health have improved. This creates better reporting which naturally increases statistics.

More than 50 percent of opioid prescriptions are going to those with mental illness.

Opioids provide short-term relief from mental conditions like depression. But, fail to help long-term. Those with issues fail to act on alternative therapies because of the false positive.

A Glimmer of Hope: How the Government and Outreach Programs Intend to Curb the Epidemic

Overprescription is a definitive cause of opioid use and abuse in the United States. Doctors prescribe opioids as an empathetic outreach for those with depression and anxiety. Unfortunately, many are susceptible to the euphoric effects and find themselves hooked.

Government Intervention

The Department of Justice declared heavy fines for opioid manufacturers using deceptive advertising. In the past, many companies paid and lobbied individuals to promote opioid advocacy. This has come to an end.

Seizures of darknet distribution channels like Alpha Bay have taken place. Efforts through funding to task forces aimed at eliminating drugs such as fentanyl. Programs increasing the availability of naloxone in communities have gained attention, too.

Medical Outreach

Educational programs are underway to educate primary care doctors alternatives to opioid prescriptions. The programs intend to provide a better system to identify potential addicts. This is an attempt to avoid overprescription from medical practitioners.

The healthcare system is also doing its part to reduce prescription fraud. Major health providers are attempting to band together to combat opioid use. Their strategy is to intervene and offer alternatives if data points to problems.

Community Support

Community outreach programs are underway for adults and youth. Opioid prevention programs. These programs produce lasting effects when combating the epidemic. Rapid response for overdoses is also part of the community support. This provides training to identify and provide aid to those affected.

Similar programs to lift society’s conscious about opioid abuse include:

  • Heroin & opioid awareness week
  • Therapy and holistic healing techniques
  • Peer support systems and gatherings

Narcotics Anonymous has seen membership skyrocket in the past decade. Resources and detox programs through inpatient recovery is a common path to recovery. Whereas the use of methadone programs has become a talking point to influence addicts to undergo detox.

The Next Decade of Death: How to Help Yourself and Those in Need

STAT, an investigative journal, has a grim tale yet to unfold. A potential half a million Americans may die from opioids in the next decade.

The flood of heroin from the Middle East and overprescription are to blame. Yet, they are part of a bigger problem the U.S. continues to battle. Society, too, may have its play in the epidemic.

Regardless, you or a loved one affected by opioid use must seek help before becoming a statistic. There are several avenues for dealing with opioid addiction and recovery.

Use our platform to find methadone treatment in your area before its too late. We’ve got a wealth of information on detox, methadone, and opioid addiction. Check out our articles or contact us at (855) 976-2092 to find help in your home state.


[1] American Society of Addiction Medicine. (2016). Opioid Addiction – 2016 Facts & Figures. Retrieved from https://www.asam.org/docs/default-source/advocacy/opioid-addiction-disease-facts-figures.pdf

[2] Nearly 1 in 5 Americans Suffers From Mental Illness Each Year. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.newsweek.com/nearly-1-5-americans-suffer-mental-illness-each-year-230608

[3] Berger O , et al. (n.d.). PTSD as a criminal defense: a review of case law. – PubMed – NCBI. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23233473

[4] Connor, V. (2017, June 27). Patients With Mental Disorders Get Half Of All Opioid Prescriptions. Retrieved from https://khn.org/news/patients-with-mental-disorders-get-half-of-all-opioid-prescriptions/

[5] Health Care Fraud Prevention Partnership. (2017, January). Healthcare Payer Strategies to Reduce the Harm of Opioids. Retrieved from https://hfpp.cms.gov/news/hfpp-opioid-whitepaper.pdf

[6] Felter, C. (2017, January 17). The U.S. Opioid Epidemic. Retrieved from https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/us-opioid-epidemic

relieve withdrawal symptoms during opiate detox

Where to Find Opiate Withdrawal Relief

Opiate addiction is a serious problem in the United States. On average, 115 Americans die every day from heroin and prescription painkiller overdoses.

Not only are opiates extremely addicting. The withdrawal from them is immensely painful, making it much harder for addicts to get clean.

If you or someone you know is looking for opiate withdrawal relief, there are options. In this article, we’ll explore where you can find relief from opiate withdrawal.

Understanding Opiate Withdrawal

“Why can’t opiate addicts just stop using?”

Every addict, and anyone who has ever known and loved an addict knows that overcoming an opiates addiction is not that simple.

Cold turkey may seem like the solution, but it’s an extremely painful thing to go through. Opiates are one of the most addicting drugs, if not the most. When the body is so dependent on opiates, it begins to go through withdrawal when it’s no longer receiving them.

When addicts go cold turkey, they experience an onset of adverse symptoms which develop 6-12 hours after their last dose. These symptoms include:

  • Nausea
  • Cramps
  • Chills
  • Muscle aches
  • Vomiting/diarrhea

For heavy users, withdrawal can develop within a couple of hours after their last dose. Severe withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Insomnia
  • Hypertension
  • Muscle spasms
  • Anxiety/depression
  • Suicidal thoughts

Because the effects of withdrawal are so powerful, the vast majority of addicts wind up using again to relieve themselves. And so begins the vicious cycle of opiates addiction.

Luckily, there are options when it comes to finding opiate withdrawal relief.

Methadone Clinics

Methadone, otherwise known as Dolophine, is an opioid that’s similar to morphine. It traditionally treats pain. However, it’s widely used as a form of maintenance therapy for those trying to wean themselves off opioids.

It may seem counterintuitive to substitute a drug in place of another. But for heroin and painkiller users, they need opiate withdrawal relief in any way that doesn’t feed their addiction.

Methadone works the same way any opioid does – without the high. It tapers off the feelings of withdrawal, making it easier for addicts to stay off heroin and painkillers. It’s for this reason that methadone is a recommended form of detox treatment.

The Breakdown of Methadone

Patients can receive methadone one of three ways. There’s a methadone pill, methadone liquid, as well as a wafer.

Methadone starts to relieve the symptoms of opiates withdrawal within one hour of dosing. It works for up to 24 hours. Though rare, methadone can work for up to 36 hours.

It’s important to remember that you shouldn’t take methadone without the supervision of a doctor. To receive methadone treatment, a person needs a referral from their doctor. It can only be administered by a SAMHSA-certified treatment facility.

There are more methadone clinics than ever before. With the heroin epidemic rampant in the United States, more people are turning to methadone for opiate withdrawal relief.

What You Can Expect at a Methadone Clinic

On the first day of treatment, patients typically don’t receive methadone right away. The first day is, more or less, about figuring out the right form of treatment for you. Because some people’s addictions are more severe than others, not every methadone treatment is the same.

On the first day, you’ll meet with a clinician or nurse and discuss your addiction and medical history. Your nurse, counselor, or doctor will go over how the facility works. You will also be given blood and urine tests.

This will all help determine the proper methadone dose that will give you opiate withdrawal relief. At the start of treatment, you’ll take your methadone at the clinic on a daily basis.

Over the course of your treatment, you may be able to take your methadone at home. This will depend on how well you respond to treatment.

Opiate Withdrawal Relief at Home

After 45 minutes to an hour, methadone takes effect. Once it does, users no longer feel withdrawal. But whether or not you decide to do methadone treatment, you can still take care of yourself at home.

The key is to drink plenty of water. Dehydration is common in opiate withdrawal, and if not addressed, can lead to hospitalization. Electrolyte solutions, such as Pedialyte, can also help you stay hydrated in recovery.

It’s also important to eat in recovery. Unfortunately, nausea may feel too strong and you may not feel hungry.

Because withdrawal makes people feel so sick, it helps to eat the kinds of foods you would eat if you had the flu. Saltine crackers, chicken broth, and fruit can be easy to eat even when you’re not feeling hungry.

Over-the-Counter Medications

There are over-the-counter medications you can take to help with withdrawal symptoms. Loperamide, also known as Imodium, can relieve diarrhea. Dimenhydrinate (Dramamine) can ease nausea.

For aches and pains, it’s good to take Ibuprofen or Aspirin. It’s important not to take these medications on an empty stomach. If you have to take them but don’t have much of an appetite, try eating some saltine crackers or a banana.

Insomnia is also common during the first weeks and months of recovery. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking any over-the-counter sleep medications. They can help you find non-habit forming sleep solutions.

Cannabis & Opiate Withdrawal Relief

Medical marijuana is currently on the rise in the United States. Though not proven, many recovering addicts claim that smoking marijuana has helped them through withdrawal.

If medical marijuana is legal in your state, you may be able to get a prescription. To explore the possibility of using medical marijuana for opiate withdrawal relief, talk to your doctor.

Overcome Opiate Addiction Once and for All

If you or someone you know is addicted to opiates, recovery may seem impossible.

Recovery doesn’t happen overnight. Withdrawal in the initial days, weeks, and months are the hardest. But once you get through it, recovery will feel more and more like a possibility that you can make into a reality.

The first step is to reach out to the people who understand opiate withdrawal. Talk to your doctor about methadone treatment and other options that are available to help you find opiate withdrawal relief.

For more information about how methadone can help you overcome your addiction to opiates, Give us a call at (855) 976- 2092!


[1] Understanding the Epidemic | Drug Overdose | CDC Injury Center. (2018, December 19). Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/drugoverdose/epidemic/index.html

[2] Heroin Withdrawal Timeline, Symptoms and Treatment. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://americanaddictioncenters.org/withdrawal-timelines-treatments/heroin

Detoxing from Methadone at home

How to Perform Methadone Detox at Home

Methadone detox can be a scary but necessary step in your recovery. Did you know that you can do methadone detox at home?

For many opioid addicts, methadone treatment is crucial for recovery. However, eventually, you’ll need to detox from methadone. This is often done in rehab clinics, but in certain situations, detoxing at home can be a much better choice.

If you’re afraid to go to rehab, don’t have the money, or don’t have a clinic in your area, methadone detox at home may be the answer.

In this guide, we’ll show you everything you need to know to detox in the comfort of your own home. Keep reading to learn more.

What is Methadone?

Methadone is an opioid, but surprisingly, it can actually help people recover from opioid addiction by helping them through the withdrawal process.

The creation of methadone treatment took place during World War II to help patients get through intense pain. Today, it’s still in the category of opioid painkillers that are often prescribed for serious pain. However, it’s also given as a part of treatment for addiction to heroin and related drugs. It’s helpful to understand more about this drug before you try methadone detox at home.

Methadone is only available by prescription and comes in powder, pill, or liquid form. Like many prescription drugs, it can also be abused, and it’s important to only take it as directed by a doctor. The good news is that among narcotics, methadone is a very safe choice – so safe that you can use it at your own house.

How Does Methadone Work?

Methadone offers pain relief by changing how your central nervous system and brain react to pain. Although it’s similar to other painkillers like morphine, it doesn’t work as quickly.

Interestingly, methadone also inhibits the effects of other drugs. You won’t be able to feel codeine, heroin, oxycodone, hydrocodone, or morphine while you’re on methadone. This is part of what makes it such a great treatment for addiction.

Methadone feels similar to these other opioids, but can’t be combined with them, and combats the symptoms of withdrawal. Sometimes, methadone treatment is also called “replacement therapy.” The methadone mechanism of action works to “replace” the drug you’re addicted to, but has softer effects, helping you wean yourself off of the addiction.

Duration and Side Effects of Methadone Detox

Most experts agree that a year, or even more, of methadone treatment is needed to fight addiction. A doctor will measure how your body responds to the treatment, and make adjustments as needed. Even when you do methadone detox at home, you’ll need to have a doctor to prescribe the treatment and check in with you regularly to make sure it’s working.

Once the treatment is complete, your doctor can also help you slowly wind down your dosage, so you don’t go into methadone withdrawal.

Side effects of methadone include slowed breathing, restlessness, itchiness, profuse sweating, sexual issues, and constipation.

In rare cases, serious side effects can happen that require medical treatment. However, most people never have these problems. You’ll need to call your doctor if you start feeling faint or lightheaded, having difficulty breathing, break out in a rash, hallucinate, or have chest pains.

Doing Methadone Detox at Home

Now that you know how methadone works, you can safely detox from methadone at home. Here’s how to do it.

1. Decide How Quickly You’ll Quit

Some people decide to go completely cold-turkey from methadone once they feel that they’ve recovered fully. Others gradually wean themselves off, which helps you avoid withdrawal.

If you plan to detox gradually, you’ll probably need about 200 mg of methadone with you. This should be enough for your home detox.

2. Take Some Time Off

It will take you about a week to detox completely. During this time, you’ll need to gradually reduce how much methadone you take every day. You won’t be getting much sleep during this time, and you’ll probably have cramps and nausea.

Your body will desire the methadone that you’ve taken away from it, so it’s good to have a friend or health care worker around who can give you the doses, so you aren’t tempted to take more than you should.

3. Get Through the Worst

You’ll have about two or three bad days of withdrawal, so prepare to push through it.

Your worst days will be more intense if you quit cold-turkey. If you gradually reduce your dosage, you might find that the experience really isn’t all that bad. However, either method works.

Although detox can be unpleasant, it’s not fatal. If you are making the decision to stop using the drug, methadone withdrawal is safe to do at home.

4. Stock Up on Supplies

Stock up on broth and liquids so you stay hydrated during this time. Pick up plenty of drinks that have electrolytes, since you’ll need to replace fluids fast. Buy herbal teas and other comforting drinks to help get you through the bad days.

Crackers and bread can also help stave off hunger without making nausea work. Think of all the things that you like to have on hand when you’re sick – those are the things you’ll want to stock up on.

5. Get Support

It’s a great idea to have a friend or loved one to help you through this process. However, it’s also valuable to seek out the support of fellow former addicts who understand what you’re going through.

Your physical cravings will be powerful for a matter of days. Your psychological cravings, however, will linger for months or years after the detox is over. Having support can help you fight against them.

In addition to getting a good support system, it’s a good idea to get therapy and outpatient treatment to help you stay on track, so you’ll never need to do a methadone detox again.

Looking for Methadone Centers Near You?

In order to do a methadone detox, you’ll need a source of methadone.

When you’re ready to find a methadone center near you, contact us at (855) 976-2092, we can help you find what you need.


[1] CRC Health. (n.d.). Soldiers, Hippies and Richard Nixon – An American History of Methadone | CRC Health Group. Retrieved from https://www.crchealth.com/addiction/heroin-addiction-treatment/heroin-detox/history_methadone/

[2] Clinical Guidelines for Withdrawal Management and Treatment of Drug Dependence in Closed Settings. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2009. 4, Withdrawal Management. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK310652/

exposing methadone myths and treatment

7 Myths About Methadone Treatment Debunked

Have you heard people in the recovery community tell you just how bad methadone is and why you SHOULDN’T be on it? Well, this is because there are many myths about methadone and it’s use for opioid addiction treatment.

The truth is, some of these people might be misinformed. While their journey to a narcotic-free lifestyle is a great one, it isn’t for all people struggling with addiction.

Sometimes the temptation is too great. Others don’t feel that abstinence-based or twelve step-based programs work for them. Regardless of your reasoning, if you and your doctor come to the conclusion that taking methadone for addictions is the best option, you should at least look into it.

Of course, you don’t want to make yourself worse off in your addiction than what you already are. But upon doing some research, you may find that this is the safest way to become drug-free.

Read on for seven misconceptions and myths about methadone treatment.

1. Swapping Addictions

It is true that on a stable dose of methadone, your body becomes physically dependent on it. However, it does not fall under the same category as a true addiction.

The truth is, even if your body is “addicted” to it, it is medically guided and closely observed. You also know exactly what you’re getting and how much is in each dose every time you take it.

2. Methadone Will Make You High

When taking the proper dose under close medical supervision, methadone treatment does not make you high. Nor does it produce any of the euphoric effects felt by other opiates.

There may be some drowsiness and other symptoms associated with methadone treatment. However, when taken properly and as prescribed, these side effects are minimal. Actually, to get high on this medicine, you’d need a very high dose and you’d have to take it more frequently than ordered.

3. Suboxone Vs. Methadone Treatment

Both of these drugs have the potential for misuse and the risk of withdrawal symptoms. They can also help with opioid detox symptoms. And most importantly, each one can help you in your fight to recovery.

If you are in chronic pain, methadone will likely be the course of treatment for you. It is the only drug approved to treat this symptom.

To obtain methadone, you must go to a certified opioid treatment program every day. You will be observed while you take your medicine and eventually your treatment team will allow you to take doses home once you are stable.

With Suboxone, your doctor can just give you a prescription. You will probably be monitored closely, but you can take your doses at home. Though this freedom is great, there is also a wider window for misuse.

4. You’ll Be on Methadone Forever

While some patients end up experiencing long term methadone use, many can taper off the medication over a year or several months.

Every case is different and yours will be decided on by you and your doctor. The biggest idea is to get you clean from opiates so you can begin focusing on why you turned to them in the first place.

Participation in an Intensive Outpatient (IOP,) group therapy, or an individual counseling program will help modify addictive behaviors that lead to opioid dependence.

5. It’s Damaging to Your Health

There’s a lot of misinformation out there about how methadone will damage your health, rot your teeth, get into your bones, or hurt your organs.

None of this is true. There isn’t any science behind these claims.

The fact is, while using opiates (especially intravenously), you are putting yourself at risk for infections like HIV and Hepatitis.

When you’re getting high, often times personal hygiene falls by the wayside. Teeth aren’t brushed, and showers aren’t taken. These two parts of taking care of yourself will do far more damage to your health than following your doctor’s orders while prescribed methadone.

6. Methadone and Pregnancy

A mother never wants to hurt her baby. Yet, while pregnant, many addicts will still use.

This is difficult because the withdrawal symptoms from quitting cold-turkey can be dangerous for the mom-to-be. But continuing to use is just as bad–if not worse.

Heroin use during pregnancy can cause the uterus to contract, bringing on premature delivery or miscarriage. Also, the use of unclean needles is a route to infection for both mom and baby.

Methadone while pregnant is a safer alternative to using opioids. This treatment program will help mom come off opiates safely and while keeping the baby healthy and happy.

7. Methadone and Cross-Addiction

Cross-addiction is when you trade one addiction for another. The thing about addiction is that regardless of the high from one substance to another, it all acts the same on the brain.

A feel-good substance can be anything from heroin and opiates to marijuana, alcohol, sex, gambling, or even food. It is very common to replace one addiction with another because you feel like you can control it.

The problem is that when you begin to cross your addictions, you eventually relapse and fall back on your “drug” of choice. Keep in mind that when you relapse, you often pick up right where you left off.

With all of this said, a methadone program will not make you find a cross-addiction–not physically, anyway.

Myths About Methadone: Final Thoughts

We hope to have debunked some of the myths surrounding methadone, as this is a medication that can be looked at as an “oldie but goodie” with documented success.

Of course, when dealing with addiction, self-restraint is needed. There’s a need for counseling or intensive outpatient therapy. You can’t just come off of heroin or another strong opiate of abuse and expect that methadone will fix your problems. If you do, you will fail.

Getting clean is the chance of a lifetime. You can mend relationships, find a new job and place to live, and maybe have the chance to live a few of your dreams.

There are many paths to your goal, and none of them will be easy. But choosing methadone maintenance treatment may make the walk just a bit easier. For more information contact us at (855) 976-2092.



Electronic Code of Federal Regulations. (2015, June 18). 42 CFR § 8.12 – Federal Opioid Treatment Standards. Retrieved from Legal Information Institute: https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/42/8.12

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2015, September 28). Certification of Opioid Treatment Programs (OTP) . Retrieved from www.samhsa.gov: https://www.samhsa.gov/medication-assisted-treatment/opioid-treatment-programs

Youth.gov. (2019). Methadone Maintenance Treatment. Retrieved from youth.gov: https://youth.gov/content/methadone-maintenance-treatment

Shiu, J. R., & Ensom, M. H. (2012). Dosing and monitoring of methadone in pregnancy: literature review. The Canadian journal of hospital pharmacy65(5), 380-6. Retrieved From: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3477836/