how to get sober

How To Get Sober: 11 Ways to Finally Conquer Addiction

Over 23 million people in the United States struggle with drug and alcohol addiction.

That number is horrifying in that it reveals the massive scope of the problems Americans face when it comes to physical and emotional battles with addictive substances. The number is also comforting, particularly for those who struggle with addiction, in that it lets them know they’re not alone

If you’re struggling with addiction and are reading this article, you’re at a critical point. Chances are, your struggles have you scared or at very least have you yearning to take control of your life again.

Our team is committed to helping you achieve that end.

Below, we’ve compiled a quick list of 11 tips on how to get sober. Our hope is that at least a handful of our suggestions will resonate and help you get your life back to where it’s meant to be.

1. Focus on Today

Many times an addicted person’s stress comes from lamenting on the failures of yesterday. They think about why they made poor decisions, what they’ve lost, and how their life could have been.

Retrospective thoughts like that are counterproductive to becoming everything you can be today.

Get your head out of the past and start focusing on improving your future.

2. Be Transparent with Family and Friends

There are few how to get sober strategies that are better than having family and friends support you.

Don’t ever be ashamed of your addiction in front of the ones you love.

Sit down with them and let them know what you’re struggling with and how you’re working to change it. Let them be proactive in helping you meet your goals.

3. Don’t Make Relapse Easy

If you’re addicted to heroin, alcohol or any other harmful substance, it’s important that you make access to those substances as difficult as possible.

Remove them from your home. Don’t walk by places where you know you can get your fix on your way to work or school.

The more distance you can put between you and addictive substances, the better your chances will be of getting sober.

4. Meditate

Meditation is a fabulous way of unpacking your thoughts and learning how to forgive yourself. It’s also excellent at helping you calm your mind which can assist in your sleeping better and reducing impulsive behaviors.

Learn more about mindfulness meditation practice and partake in free guided sessions today!

5. Develop Healthy Addictions

A lot of people learn how to get sober by getting their addiction fix from a more healthy source. Activities like exercise, being social, and more can all be fun habits you can train your body to crave and start devoting more time to!

6. Find a Better Circle of Friends

Most people who are struggling with addiction have a group of friends who also have addiction issues or at very least enable addictive behaviors. If you want to give yourself a real chance at sobriety, the best thing you can do is dump those friends and find new ones.

There’s a popular saying that says you’re only as good as your least successful friend. Make sure your “least successful friend” is somebody you can aspire to be.

7. Take on a New Responsibility

Beating addiction for many people can be about finding a new way to occupy their time. So, what are some ways you can start keeping busy?

We recommend finding a good job, taking on a side-hustle or adopting a pet.

Anyone of those things can help you develop great new skills and will make finding time for destructive behaviors difficult.

8. Get Away from Triggers

Do you know what triggers you to want to use? For many, discovering triggers is a long journey that requires lots of introspective thought and therapy.

If you’re aware of at least one or two your triggers though, you can be proactive in avoiding them.

For example, does stress make you want to use? If so, when a stressful situation is arising, don’t be afraid to walk away from it.

One day you’ll have the skills you need to face stress and other triggers without needing to walk away or feeling the need to use. Until that day comes though, walking away is the best option.

9. Set Goals for Yourself

Figuring on how to get sober is a long journey people take day by day. Sometimes, when you’re hyper-focused on today though, it can be difficult to see where you’re going.

To make sure you’re making consistent progress towards the life of your dreams, set goals and do your best to always move towards them! Goals are a great way to keep you on the right path and away from relapse.

10. Don’t Worry About Statistics

It’s all too common that we hear of people who don’t want to try and recover because of the negative statistics they’ve read in regard to relapse and failure.

Let us be clear about this… You are not a statistic. You are a person.

Numbers have no power over you or your actions, only you do.

Ignore statistics and focus on being the best version of yourself every day.

11. Seek Professional Help

As you can see, there are a tremendous amount of ways you and the people around you can help stomp out addiction. Still, to make your sobriety come easier and be more durable, we recommend finding a high-quality rehabilitation program.

Rehabilitation programs provide those seeking sobriety with professional addiction help they need to get well medically and emotionally.

Wrapping Up How To Get Sober: 11 Ways to Finally Conquer Addiction

There you have it! 11 ways we believe you can help yourself conquer addiction.

Our recommendation if you’re wondering how to get sober is to incorporate as many of the above suggestions into your daily life as possible. We’re confident that by changing the way you think and the activities you partake in, you’ll start to move your life in a positive direction and leave your addiction behind you!

Do you struggle with an addiction to harmful opiates? If so, our team is here to help.

At Methadone Near Me, our aim is to provide those looking for solutions to their addiction with all of the information they need to find the relief they deserve.

Click here to learn more about methadone and find the help you need. Or contact us for help finding resources and treatment at (855) 976-2092. 


[1] Open Society Foundation. (2018, November 12). Defining The Addiction Treatment Gap. Retrieved February 15, 2019, from

[2] UCLA Health. (n.d.). Guided Meditations – UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center – Los Angeles, CA. Retrieved February 15, 2019, from

10 Healthy Foods That Help With Opiate Withdrawal

Detoxing from opiates is a difficult process, and it can be very uncomfortable. It’s important to be as kind to your body as possible during withdrawal, and that includes nourishing your body with healthy foods.

Although detox is different for everyone, eating well can help you feel more comfortable and aid your body in bouncing back after drug use. You want to do everything possible to give yourself the best chance for a healthy recovery.

Eating some specific foods will give your body the vital nutrients it needs during the detox process. Here are 10 foods that help with opiate withdrawal.

Foods That Help With Opiate Withdrawal

If you have been engaging in opioid misuse and abuse for a while, your liver needs some TLC. Your liver is key in the withdrawal process.

It must process the remnants of any opiates in your body and flush them from your system. Eating certain foods can assist the liver in this process.

Drink Lots of Water

Water isn’t food, but it’s so important during opiate withdrawal. Hydration is critical for your recovery.

Drinking nine to 12 glasses a day helps your liver and kidneys get rid of toxins and will ease your discomfort. Some people will experience diarrhea, sweating, and vomiting during withdrawal.

This can result in dehydration and only make things worse. Proper hydration should be a top priority as you go through detox.

Citrus Fruits

Citrus Fruits like lemons, limes, and oranges help cleanse the liver to flush toxins from the body. These fruits have powerful cleansing potential, so it’s good to eat them in the morning and anytime throughout the day.

All fruit is healthy, and some other good fruits for detox include pears, raspberries, strawberries, figs, and bananas. These fruits are good sources of fiber, and sweetness which can help you stay away from sugary processed sweets.

Colorful Vegetables

People with drug addictions are often undernourished and vitamin deficient. Vegetables are full of vitamins essential for good health.

Any type of vegetable is good, but leafy greens, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, and kale are great for your liver and contain lots of fiber. Some people recovering from an opiate addiction experience digestive problems, and high fiber vegetables are helpful in combating these issues.

Add Some Protein

Often, opiate users do not get enough protein in their diet. Protein is vital for good health and assists the body in repairing cells, tissue, and muscle.

Avoid fatty red meat, and, instead, opt for healthy proteins such as chicken, fish, eggs, and nuts. Protein powder and protein shakes are good choices if you are having trouble eating solid foods.

Whole Grains

Carbohydrates are necessary for energy and good health. Whole grains are full of fiber which can help with digestive issues during withdrawal.

Steer clear of refined foods like white bread and packaged snack foods. Better options include whole grain bread, whole wheat pasta, and brown rice.

Drinking Tea

Drinking plenty of water is important during opiate withdrawal and recovery, and drinking certain teas is helpful as well. In addition to providing hydration, white and green tea enhance liver function.

This helps your liver as it works to rid your body of toxins. Ginger tea is helpful too.

It contains gingerol which stimulates sweating. Sweating helps you get rid of the toxins left in the body following opiate use.

Organic Food

Whenever possible, choose organic fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. If you are detoxing from opiates, your liver has the task of ridding your body of residual toxins.

If there are toxins in the food you eat, that’s just more work for your liver. Choosing clean, organic foods is better for your body anyway, and this is especially true if you are in recovery from addiction.

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seed are easy to eat and digest. During detox, nuts and seeds can provide a healthy protein your body needs.

You can use them in recipes or add them to smoothies if you are having trouble eating solid foods. Some good choices include almonds, walnuts, flax seeds, and pumpkin seeds.

Natural peanut butter or almond butter is a great choice for an easy, healthy meal or snack.

Omega 3 Oils

Cook with healthy oils like olive oil and coconut oil. These healthy oils help the body fight off toxins and lubricate intestinal walls.

Healthy fat is vital for proper brain function and a healthy liver. This is especially important for someone detoxing from opiates.

Foods rich in omega 3 can boost your energy level and improve the appearance of your hair, skin, and nails. Salmon, avocado, and peanut butter are good choices and are rich in healthy fat.


Adding garlic to recipes is beneficial for someone who is detoxing. Garlic helps filter out toxins in the body and stimulates liver function.

You can slice or grate garlic in a variety of dishes such as soups, pasta dishes, or pizza, or you can take a garlic capsule on a regular basis.

Foods to Avoid

What you don’t eat is as important as what you do eat. If you are detoxing from opiates, avoid eating foods high in saturated fat.

Snack foods and fast foods may seem an easy solution for a quick bite, but they are hard for your body to process. Processed foods are not good for your liver, so try to stick with natural foods as much as possible.

Nurture Yourself

Nutrition is critical for someone detoxing from opiates. Going through this process is never easy, but there are foods that help with opiate withdrawal.

Drink plenty of water and stock up on a few foods that you like and that are good for you too. This can help give your body the strength and endurance for detox and the road ahead.

It’s time to put your wellbeing first and look forward to a bright and healthy future.

For more helpful blogs and information about treatment for addiction, search our website or call (855) 976-2092.



[1] Medline Plus. (n.d.). Substance use recovery and diet: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. Retrieved February 14, 2019, from

[2] NIDA. (2018, December 13). Misuse of Prescription Drugs. Retrieved from on 2019, February 14

[3] Mayo Clinic Staff. (2018, January 10). What to do when it’s time to stop opioids. Retrieved February 14, 2019, from


heroin vs methadone

What’s the Difference Between Methadone and Heroin?

Heroin addiction is a serious problem that is sweeping the nation and destroying lives and families along the way.

Are you or a loved one struggling with heroin addiction but don’t know how to treat the addiction? Many people are considering methadone treatment for their heroin addiction, but the thought of treating drugs with other drugs can seem controversial to some people.

There is a large difference in methadone vs heroin, and methadone for the treatment of heroin addiction has been proven to have effective results.

We are here to tell you everything you need to know about methadone vs heroin, and to make this decision about addiction treatment as easy as possible for you and your family.

What is Methadone?

Methadone is a synthetic drug that is part of the opioid family, and it works similar to morphine. It was originally created during World War II by a German doctor. When methadone made its way to the United States, doctors used it as a way to treat pain. However, today it is often used to treat heroin and narcotic addictions.

How Does Methadone Work?

Methadone affects the brain and the nervous system and alters the way the body reacts to pain. Unlike strong painkillers and narcotics such as codeine, heroin, hydrocodone, morphine, and oxycodone, methadone purposely omits the chemicals that cause a euphoric high.

Replacement Therapy

Methadone can also be used to help treat heroin addicts by training their bodies to function without the euphoric high sensation. Methadone replacement therapy also helps to eliminate dependency from heroin. By replacing heroin with methadone, doctors can eliminate the withdrawal symptoms that patients undergo, which can be intense and cause relapses.

It should be noted that methadone replacement therapy is only beneficial when administered in a medical facility by medical professionals. Methadone replacement therapy is not a substitute for support groups, therapy or lifestyle changes.

While methadone is not a cure for opioid addiction, it is used as part of a treatment plan. These treatment plans change for different patients. While no concrete time duration is set for methadone replacement therapy, doctors suggest that patients implement the therapy technique for at least a year.

When the patient is ready to stop their methadone replacement therapy, their doctor will slowly start to lower their dosage in order to prevent more withdrawal symptoms.

Risks of Methadone

Much like any other drug, there are some risks that come along with methadone if it is not taken properly. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), methadone is one of the most common drugs to cause prescription opioid overdose deaths.

One reason for this is that methadone is a slow-release drug that can stay in the body for up to 59 hours. If someone assumes that taking more methadone than prescribed will result in an opiate high, they can easily overdose.

Another reason that methadone causes so many overdoses is that taking it with other opioids, alcohol, sedatives, amphetamines or antidepressants can also result in an overdose.

What is Heroin?

Heroin is an opioid drug that is illegal and has no medical use in the United States. It is often injected into the body using a needle, but people also sniff, snort or smoke heroin. Heroin provides similar effects as narcotic pain relievers.

How Does Heroin Work?

Heroin quickly enters the brain and binds to the opioid receptors. These receptors are located in many different areas of the brain including the areas that affect sleeping, breathing, pain, pleasure, and heart rate.

Once heroin attaches to the receptors, it floods the brain with dopamine, which is what causes the euphoric high. Many heroin users describe this sensation as a surge of pleasure or a “rush”.

Heroin also depresses the central nervous system, which can cause people to become drowsy, fall asleep or even become sedated.

Risks of Heroin

Heroin affects the brains reward system, which makes the drug highly addictive. In fact, only one use of heroin can have permanent effects on the brain.

Overdoses are a fatal risk of using heroin, and the overdose numbers are extremely high. When someone overdoses on heroin, their breathing slows down immensely or even stops altogether.

The result of decreased oxygen to the brain can cause hypoxia. Hypoxia can affect the nervous system and cause the body to go into a coma or can even result in permanent brain damage.

More than 115 people die every day from overdosing on opioids and roughly five times as many Americans are using heroin than a decade ago.

Methadone vs Heroin

Methadone is administered in a medical facility with proper dosage and clean supplies. Next, patients at the methadone clinic are then watched closely to ensure that their vitals are stable. Methadone is used to treat addiction while heroin is what causes the addiction.

Heroin is taken at home without the supervision of a medical professional, and the tools and needles are often dirty. This can lead to a variety of other diseases including addiction.

The withdrawal symptoms of heroin can be so intense and uncomfortable that it can easily cause an addict to relapse. However, this is where methadone comes into play.

Methadone is used to ease the withdrawal symptoms so addicts can slowly ease themselves off of heroin as opposed to stopping cold turkey, which has poor results with heroin users.

The Main Takeaway

Methadone and heroin are similar in the sense that they are both in the opioid family. However, when used correctly, methadone can help treat heroin addiction due to the fact that it is long-lasting and does not provide a euphoric high. Methadone replacement therapy is highly effective for heroin addicts, but it may not be for everyone.

If you have any other questions on methadone vs heroin, contact us at (855) 976-2092. Or visit methadone treatment, our page that covers everything you need to know about methadone treatment.

<h3 style=”font-size: 20px;”>Sources:</h3>

[1] Brown, R., Kraus, C., Fleming, M., & Reddy, S. (2004). Methadone: applied pharmacology and use as adjunctive treatment in chronic pain. Postgraduate medical journal80(949), 654-9. Retrieved from

[2] (n.d.). Department of Health | 4 The principles of methadone maintenance therapy. Retrieved from

[3] Center for Disease Control. (2018, December 19). Prescription Opioid Data | Drug Overdose | CDC Injury Center. Retrieved from

[4] National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2019, January 22). Opioid Overdose Crisis. Retrieved from

pain pills and alcohol

Are Your Parents Addicted to Pain Pills and Alcohol? Here’s a Guide For What to Do

Addicts are young homeless people who shoot up in back alleys with criminals, right?

Wrong. In fact, addicts come in all shapes and sizes. They can be your next door neighbor. Perhaps they are the soccer mom down the street. They can even be our parents, no matter how old they might be.

In fact, the elderly is a growing demographic in terms of addiction. And while they might not necessarily be more apt to shooting heroin or snorting cocaine, they’ve got other drugs of choice.

More specifically, pain pills and alcohol.

Think about it: as you get older, it’s more likely that physical ailments will set in. Back backs, aching joints, crippling arthritis. The list can go on and on.

And many seniors who experience pain are typically prescribed pain pills, including opioids, Percocet and morphine, which are super addictive.

What’s worse is that painkillers mixed with alcohol can have even more catastrophic effects. Mixing the two can have serious and sometimes even fatal consequences.

Do you suspect that your parents are addicted to pain pills and alcohol? Read on to find out how to handle the situation and help with parental opioid addiction.

Spotting Addiction to Pain Pills and Alcohol in the Elderly

Here are a few telltale signs to tell if your parents are suffering from an addiction.

Slurred Speech

An obvious sign that your parents might be drinking too much and topping it up with pain pills is slurred speech. Alcohol has a certain effect on a person’s brain, especially when drinking in excess.


Another obvious sign of excessive drinking is the smell of alcohol on the breath.

A decline in Personal Hygiene

If your parents are normally on top of their personal hygiene and you suddenly notice a decline in this area, there may be a problem.

Loss of Appetite

It’s common for addicts to suffer from a loss of appetite, which then leads to inevitable weight loss. A loss of appetite also causes a decrease in energy levels as well.


People who are addicted to drugs or alcohol are usually quite defensive when people question them about their behavior or activity. They may be in denial about their addiction as well and even go so far as to blame others for their problems.

Faking Pain or Illness

In order to get their hands on more painkillers, addicts will embellish their symptoms to get a prescription from their doctors.

Excessive sleep

Because of a lack of energy and less effective metabolism in seniors, excessive sleep is common.

Emotional Instability

Even the most emotionally stable people can suddenly become angry or aggressive for no apparent reason.


Seniors are already susceptible to being physically unstable and even falling as a result. But this issue becomes worse when a person has been taking too many prescription medications or drinking too much.

Loss of Memory

Memory issues tend to be a growing problem with people as they age. But throwing addiction into the mix can make the situation even worse.

Dangers of Mixing Pain Pills and Alcohol

Both painkillers and alcohol can cause some serious side effects on their own, especially in the elderly. But when you combine the two together the effects can be disastrous.

Potential effects of mixing the two include the following:

Possible Synergistic Effects

Pain pills depress the central nervous system functions, which is how they are able to reduce feelings of pain in the user. Alcohol does the same sort of thing.

When you mix the two together, their effects on depressing the central nervous system can become powerful and cause a much more severe depressive effect than either one taken individually.

Enhanced Sedation

Drinking alcohol and taking pain pills can increase the sedative effect.

Potential for Overdose

Overdose on painkillers like opioids have been on the rise over the recent past. In fact, overdose deaths have become an epidemic across the nation. On their own, painkillers can cause an overdose. But when you introduce alcohol as well, much less of the drug is needed to overdose.

In addition to the above-mentioned effects of mixing pain pills and alcohol, the body can experience any one of the following:

  • Brain damage
  • Love failure
  • Cardiovascular events
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Slowed breathing
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Hallucinations

What Can You Do If Your Parents Are Suffering from Addiction?

One of the best things you can do is recognize the potential for addiction. Without recognizing the signs, getting your parents’ help will likely never happen.

If all the signs are pointing to an addiction to pain pills and alcohol, then your parents certainly need some intervention. As an adult child, you might feel helpless and powerless in the situation. But take heart, because there are some things you can do to get your parents the help they need.

When addiction is identified, it’s important to seek out an addiction treatment center that is specifically experienced with working with the elderly who are addicted to drugs or alcohol.

More specifically, look into programs that specialize in addiction to painkillers and alcohol in those over the age of 65 years. Try to find centers that also provide case management services, since people in the older demographic usually don’t have the same type of social support that is necessary throughout recovery.

These types of specialized services offer seniors access to necessary medical, social, and psychiatric resources that can ensure that the elderly enjoy a healthy, addiction-free lifestyle that can be continued well after treatment has been successfully completed.

There are plenty of resources available that can help guide you and point you in the right direction. Just one phone call can put you and your parents on the right path to finding the ideal type of program needed to help your folks beat their addiction.

Find out More About Addictive Drugs

Whether your parents are suffering from addiction to pain pills and alcohol, or someone else you know is, the time to get help is now. And while you’re at it, it’s helpful to find out as much as you can about the types of drugs that can cause addiction and what you can do to alleviate symptoms.

To find out more about addictive drugs and what you can do to combat opiate addiction,  For a quicker way to get information, call us at (855) 976-2092 and talk with someone who can actually help.

