diversion of methadone

Why You Should Never Divert Your Methadone

It’s wonderful what methadone treatment can do for people, but as with any healthcare plan or treatment, it needs to be taken seriously and very carefully. On that note – One should never divert methadone dosages. While in many cases patients are successful in their journey toward sobriety with methadone, sometimes others may abuse this substance, leading to less than ideal circumstances.

It’s important to understand that methadone is an opiate that’s mainly used for opioid maintenance therapy or methadone treatment, and there is a minor risk of addiction if people overuse or abuse methadone. When people abuse their methadone, they take too much of it too frequently, disregarding their doctor’s orders and specific doses. Any healthcare professional who administers methadone is expected to be very careful and accurate when measuring and prescribing doses, so as to minimize the risk of anyone becoming addicted. Another aspect of methadone abuse is diversion, which is when people give their medication to others who don’t have a prescription for it. Diversion is something that should definitely be avoided in order to protect patients and lower the risk of addiction to methadone.

Why You Shouldn’t Do It

The points are clear as to why people should never abuse methadone or give their dose to other people. Every doctor carefully prescribes methadone so as to best protect patients and ensure they are given just enough to keep the painful withdrawal symptoms at bay without leading to dependence. It’s absolutely essential that patients follow their doctor’s instructions so that they remain on a healthy and happy path, rather than getting stuck in the very difficult cycle of addiction that can prove so challenging to break.

Generally speaking, every dose of methadone should be able to hold you for 24 hours until your next dose. If a patient feels that they are tempted to use drugs again, then their dose may not be working, and they may need to speak to their counselor about the situation. It’s important to keep in mind that the objective of methadone treatment is to allow people to gradually get off their drug of choice by minimizing the cravings and triggers.

Methadone treatment is most commonly used for heroin addiction, as it helps addicts come down from their addiction and make it through the unpleasant withdrawal symptoms with fewer cravings that could lead to relapse. At the same time, everybody is different, and some people will require a higher, stronger dose while others may need less. Patients should not be deciding on their doses themselves, but rather having open and honest conversations with their medical team and counselors to ensure proper treatment.

Specialists at methadone clinics warn that patients who don’t take methadone on a daily basis are at a very high risk of overdose. Only licensed staff should be measuring methadone amounts, as this can be very hard to do particularly with liquid doses. Running out of methadone when it’s required to help during the recovery process is not fun, but it’s definitely a possibility for people who abuse or diver their prescribed methadone dose. Then, of course, there’s the possibility of overdosing, which can lead to serious health problems and force a person to start all over in their journey to recovery and rehabilitation.

What Will Happen if You Do?

Patients at clinics specializing in methadone near me should always be careful and aware of their methadone dose. Methadone abuse and diversion are a slippery slope that can lead to dire consequences. Those who abuse methadone, either by taking too much themselves or giving their dose to others, will lose their clinic privileges. This includes take-home privileges, which are doses that the most committed and best-behaved patients will earn to take home with them. Then there’s the fact that patients who abuse methadone will likely run out of it, which will open up the doors for further drug abuse. When people don’t have enough methadone, they may end up resorting to using illicit, illegal drugs again, which will increase the likelihood of an overdose.

With more than 100,000 Americans using methadone treatment in a bid to get clean for good, there are so many positives associated with this treatment, but at the same time, there are rules and guidelines that need to be followed in order to protect patients and their loved ones. Diverting medication to others can lead to fatal overdoses, so this really needs to be taken seriously and patients who feel tempted to abuse their methadone doses or give it to others should consult their counselors right away.

 What You Should Do If You Feel Tempted to Abuse Your Methadone

Although it would be amazing if it did, addiction, unfortunately, does not go away overnight. Even once people manage to make it back to sobriety, they will face a lifelong challenge to stay clean and avoid falling back into their old habits. People in recovery truly need to be patient with themselves, and they need to do a lot of self-reflecting in order to determine what they want from their lives, and how they can get there.

If you or someone you know is struggling with methadone treatment, and you’re feeling tempted to abuse your medication, honesty is always the best policy. This will allow you to communicate truthfully with your counselor so that they can help you find a better solution. The sooner the situation is addressed, the better, no matter what their consequences may be. Sometimes, temptations to abuse are a sign that more treatment is necessary. As long as you stay dedicated to your recovery journey and keep your head up high, you have a good chance of making it out on the other side. There’s a bigger and brighter future awaiting you, reach out for help you need and deserve today (855) 976-2092.


[1] Products – Data Briefs – Number 329 – November 2018. (2018, November 29). Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db329.htm

[2] Harvard Health Publishing. (2017, February 8). Treating opiate addiction, Part I: Detoxification and maintenance – Harvard Health. Retrieved from https://www.health.harvard.edu/mind-and-mood/treating-opiate-addiction-part-i-detoxification-and-maintenance

[3] https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/medications-to-treat-opioid-addiction/what-treatment-need-versus-diversion-risk-opioid-use-disorder-treatment

Methadone Take Home Privileges – What You Need to Know

For the millions of Americans who are in unfortunate situations involving drugs, methadone take home treatment stands out as a beacon of hope. There are plenty of positives surrounding this treatment method, which is particularly useful for those suffering from addiction to heroin and other opiates who struggle to get through the withdrawal symptoms.

There are many wonderful options for methadone near me, with local clinics specializing in this treatment plan that can have a powerful influence on the future of patients’ lives, especially when they’re drowning in their drug addiction and don’t see another way out. Methadone treatment can lay the groundwork for a bigger, better and brighter future.

What are Methadone “Take Home” Privileges?

Whether you or someone you love is considering methadone treatment, it’s in your best interest to be aware of all the aspects of this recovery method. The more you know, the more comfortable you’ll feel and the better chance you’ll have of succeeding in this pathway to sobriety. A great place to start is with “Take Home” privileges, which patients can earn as they prove themselves to be committed and determined to kick their drug habits to the curb. At many methadone clinics, these privileges may include things like a particular dosage or supply of methadone that they’ll be able to use once they return home.

While every clinic may have slightly different rules, and it’s crucial to understand all of the information and guidelines during their stay, or even prior to becoming a patient, generally speaking, most clinics will have take-home privileges of some kind. The ADS Opioid Treatment Program (OTP) – Client Handbook is a prime example, as it explains how patients can earn trust at their methadone clinic and receive take-home privileges. When a patient wants to reduce his or her clinic visits by getting take-home does, the primary counselor will take a closer look to decide whether or not this particular patient meets eligibility requirements. A decision will eventually be made as to award none, or up to thirteen, take-home doses.

How Do I Gain Trust and Earn More “Take Homes” Privileges?

There are more than 14,000 addiction treatment facilities across America, and many of these places operate methadone clinics as well to allow more people access to potentially life-saving treatment. It’s the sad truth that not nearly enough Americans struggling with addiction actually get the treatment and professional help they need, with only 11% of those with an alcohol or drug dependence problem heading to rehab in 2013. This goes to show how essential methadone clinics are in the fight against drug addiction.

Take home privileges are a huge part of this, as doing a good job in rehab and showing one’s commitment and dedication to getting better can result in rewards, and it’s certainly a goal for people to work toward. The more that an individual tries in rehab, and really gives themselves up to the process, the better. In order to gain trust and earn more take-home privileges in the process, people need to follow the guidelines for on-site dosages at the beginning of their stay, as well as participate in face-to-face sessions with healthcare professionals at the clinic.

Other ways to check off the criteria for take-home privileges include being current on any and all financial obligations, as well as maintaining employment, education, volunteer work or home duties. Attending all of the required regular individual and group sessions is a must, too! Behavior is also a large indicator of whether or not a person should be receiving take-home privileges. Those who have aggressive outbursts, negative attitudes, and even recent criminal records may not meet the standards for take-home privileges.

How People Lose their Privileges

In the same way that people can earn their take-home privileges, it’s also quite possible to lose these privileges, depending on how they behave and act during the rehabilitation process. Clinic staff is very cognizant of the importance of only providing take homes to those who are in control and able to handle this, and they will not allow those who are struggling or not taking the process seriously to have take-home doses.

Some of the common ways in which people may lose their privileges include participating in criminal activity, failing to turn up to therapy sessions or counseling and misbehaving or causing trouble at the clinic. Those who show instability in their home environment or personal relationships may be at risk of losing their take-home privileges as well. An individual who refuses to take regular urine tests or fails one of these tests is also likely to lose their take-home privileges.

Time in treatment is perhaps one of the most important rules of all. If a person isn’t coming to the clinic as regularly as required, and it doesn’t seem like they are taking the process as seriously as they should, then they won’t be able to receive take-home doses. It can’t and shouldn’t be understated that take-home privileges are exactly that – a privilege – and they can and will be taken away if people do not follow the rules. This may sound strict, but it has to be in order to protect the health and wellbeing of patients and give them the best chances of success and sobriety in the long run.

Why It’s Important to Follow the Rules and Take Your Methadone as Prescribed

The rules put in place at any methadone clinic are not meant to be stifling and suffocating, but they need to be harsh in many ways so that people truly understand the severity of their problems. Doing drugs and having drug possessions are very serious concerns that can not only harm a person’s health but also their entire future and education, career and family. Methadone clinics and their guidelines are designed with this concept in mind so that patients are forced to confront their demons and understand how dangerous their behavior really was/is.

This is exactly why it’s so important to follow the rules laid out by the rehab center and the methadone clinic. The medical professionals know that these guidelines are necessary for patients to be successful in their recovery journey, and they are also aware that methadone must be taken precisely as prescribed to minimize the risk for addiction and abuse and ensure a smooth transition into sobriety. Patients can always speak to the staff at methadone clinics for answers and clarity surrounding the processes and procedures, but it’s important to respect every step of this pathway to a better life. That way, patients will be more likely to avoid a relapse and come out on the other side, happier and healthier!


[1] Methadone Program Handbook. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.adsyes.org/methadone-program-handbook/

[2] Results from the 2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: Summary of National Findings. (2014, September). Retrieved from https://www.samhsa.gov/data/sites/default/files/NSDUHresultsPDFWHTML2013/Web/NSDUHresults2013.pdf

[3] How Do Medications Treat Opioid Addiction? (2018, April 18). Retrieved from https://www.hhs.gov/opioids/treatment/medications-to-treat-opioid-addiction/index.html

methadone recovery method for addiction

When People Say Methadone Doesn’t Equal Recovery

Data from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration shows that upwards of 2 million Americans are addicted to opiates such as heroin and prescription opioids like oxycodone (OxyContin) and hydrocodone (Vicodin). While some methadone clinics may have experienced some controversy over the years, generally speaking, methadone recovery treatment is one of the best things to happen to the healthcare industry in terms of addiction assistance and treatment. Thankfully, there are plenty of options for help and rehabilitation nowadays, especially compared to half a century ago when drug use was oftentimes a life sentence that ruined people’s lives in the blink of an eye. Although drug use is still just as painful and dangerous, if not more so, you can rest assured that every methadone clinic is designed to make a genuine difference in the lives of those struggling with drugs. Let’s take a closer look at methadone treatment, and what it means when people say methadone is not related to recovery.

The Stigma Related To Methadone

For decades, methadone treatment has been giving those hooked on heroin a new beginning by presenting a way for them to gradually get off of opiates with minimal withdrawal symptoms. It’s really been since the 1950s that methadone treatment first came onto the scene to treat opioid dependence. However, it hasn’t been all smooth sailing for proponents of methadone clinics, as they’ve had to tiptoe around an unfair, and untrue, stigma surrounding methadone.

Essentially, for many years, there’s been a generalization and stereotype that methadone treatment can’t work because it involves replacing one opiate with another, which would mean that those in recovery are still receiving an opiate intake of some kind. Critics of this treatment have said that those on methadone aren’t actually in recovery, because they aren’t clean and they’re still on drugs in a sense. However, this stigma does nothing but harm individuals who could truly benefit from methadone treatment, which is a safe and highly regulated treatment that prepares people for greater success in their future recovery.

While it’s been a long road to prove the naysayers wrong, the sheer number of methadone clinics in the United States and the popularity of this treatment plan – coupled with the number of inspiring success stories – goes to show that methadone can save lives. The majority of people who have been placed on a methadone treatment plan have nothing but good things to say about the entire process, including how it prepared them for the rest of their rehabilitation journey and their pathway to sobriety.

Methadone is a fantastic option that has been proven to save lives. It’s a real shame that those who have something against methadone fail to acknowledge the many benefits, including the lowered risk for overdose deaths and minimized harm during the withdrawal and recovery process.

Why You Shouldn’t Pay Naysayers Any Mind

Like anything in life, there are unfortunately always going to be some negative folks who just can’t seem to see the other side. This is true for methadone treatment as well, and while it’s understandable for there to be some general concerns, taking a closer look at this health care option allows everyone to see that methadone programs have far more positives than negatives. No patients should ever feel bad or guilty for being on the methadone program, so long as the medication is prescribed accurately and taken appropriately.

Over the years, there have been many individuals who were saved by methadone treatment, which allowed them to finally break free of their drug-fueled demons and their heroin addiction that just kept holding them down.

Harvard Medical School reports that more than 100,000 Americans are currently on a methadone maintenance treatment, which just goes to show that methadone has and will continue to have an inspiring impact on many lives. So long as methadone treatment is always completed in conjunction with counseling, group therapy, health and wellbeing sessions and more recovery activities, then this health care method has a high chance of success and sobriety.

Methadone Isn’t For Everyone, But It May Be For You & That’s Okay

If you or someone you love is considering methadone treatment, it’s important to keep in mind that like any health care plan, procedure or prescription, it may not be for everyone, and that’s perfectly okay. By having open and honest conversations with your doctor, you will find this whole process to be easier, and they will help to answer any further questions you may have before starting methadone treatment.

Generally speaking, methadone seems to work best for those with chronic pain, heavy, long-term users and individuals who can’t seem to stop using drugs on their own. This is because methadone can be adopted as a long-term treatment plan in some cases. The process of tapering methadone doses and gradually weaning a patient off of it needs to happen slowly, and that’s why it’s crucial to be of healthy mind and body while taking part in this treatment. This way, you’ll be more likely to reach your end goal and say goodbye to your dismal drug habits, once and for all.

Compassion is The Answer No Matter The Path to Recovery

Addiction is a disease, and it certainly isn’t an easy thing to go through for anyone. It’s essential that you remember that addiction is not one size fits all, and what works for some people may not work for others. It’s truly a shame that some people cast such a negative light on methadone when it’s actually been a highly reputable, life-saving treatment option for nearly 70 years.

Rather than passing judgment on others who are so brave to try and face their addiction head-on, compassion should always be the answer. Treating people with addiction with respect, courtesy and kindness is a surefire way to support them in their new journey, which may be daunting and difficult in many regards. Those who shame and look down on patients in methadone clinics are doing more harm than good. If you can keep the objectives of methadone treatment in mind, you’ll be more well-informed and better able to support and encourage anyone who’s been courageous enough to tackle their drug problem! Methadone treatment will be a crucial part of stemming America’s opioid epidemic and putting people back on the path to a better life.


[1] The N-SSATS Report: Trends in the Use of Methadone and Buprenorphine at Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities: 2003 to 2011. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.samhsa.gov/data/sites/default/files/N-SSATS%20Rprt%20Trnds%20Use%20Methadone%20&%20Buprenorphine%20at%20SA%20Trmt%20Facs%20%2003-11/N-SSATS%20Rprt%20Trnds%20Use%20Methadone%20&%20Buprenorphine%20at%20SA%20Trmt%20Facs%20%2003-11/sr107-NSSATS-Buprenorph.htm

[2] Methadone maintenance treatment – Clinical Guidelines for Withdrawal Management and Treatment of Drug Dependence in Closed Settings – NCBI Bookshelf. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK310658/

[3] Harvard Health Publishing. (2017, February 8). Treating opiate addiction, Part I: Detoxification and maintenance – Harvard Health. Retrieved from https://www.health.harvard.edu/mind-and-mood/treating-opiate-addiction-part-i-detoxification-and-maintenance


How Long Does Opiate Withdrawal Last

Methadone Withdrawal Timeline: How Long Does Detox Take?

Congratulations for trying to get off methadone. We wish we could tell you it’s going to be easy, but it’s not. Addictions are a hard cycle to break – but it’s possible.

One of the most common reasons people don’t break the addiction cycle is because they don’t understand what getting sober is really like. They don’t consider the physical withdrawal symptoms.

We’re here to walk you through the methadone withdrawal timeline and give suggestions on how to make it better. We’ll give you tips on each step – but here are some general detox success tips, first.

Detox Success Tips

You’re going to need help when you’re detoxing, in some way. Here’s what we recommend.

1. Tell Someone You’re Detoxing

It’s unlike no one noticed that you were using drugs. Especially if you were on them for a long period of time. Your loved ones or even just one trusted friend will be happy to hear you’re working towards sobriety.

Pick someone (or multiple people) and let them know you’re detoxing. Ask them to come stay with you or check in with you throughout the process so they can provide support.

2. Try to Function as Normal

The first week of detox is the hardest on your body, but also on your mind. Your symptoms are going to make you want to lay on the couch – but you can’t.

If you lay on the couch in discomfort, all you’ll be able to think about is relapsing. Try to go about your daily activities as planned. You can use over-the-counter medication to treat some of your symptoms.

It may not feel great, but it’ll keep you from obsessing over finding more pills.

3. Seek Out Counseling

If there’s an addiction center in your area, it’s a good idea to meet with a counselor there. Many of them have outpatient programs so you can continue to live your life as normal.

Having someone who knows what drug withdrawal is like will help you stay on track.

If there’s not or you have a therapist, make sure they know you’re trying to get sober. They’re there to support you in all your darkest moments.

The Methadone Withdrawal Timeline

Let’s get specific – what happens when that last pill you took wears off and you’re out or you’ve thrown all of them away? Here’s what to expect.

The First Day

Methadone withdrawal isn’t a straight downhill battle. Your first day won’t be quite as hard as the second or third. That’s where the hill peaks when it comes to symptoms.

Your first day you may feel anxious and hazy. It’s normal to experience light flu-like symptoms.

You’ll probably find your heart beating faster than normal, as your body speeds up processes to figure out what’s missing.

If you have chills, a fever, or muscle aches – these are all normal. If your heart or chest starts to hurt – please go to the hospital.

The Second and Third Day (Symptoms Peak)

You’ll probably feel straight-up sick on these days. Whatever happened the first day is about twice as bad on day two or three. This is where most people fall out of the detox process and give in to their cravings.

Don’t be one of them! Use our general tips for success above.

During this stage, not only will you feel feverish, but the psychological issues will kick in. You can expect very strong cravings for the drug and the thought that “it would make all this go away”.

Hallucinations and paranoia are possible, so please make sure you call a trusted companion if this starts to happen. They can keep you from acting on anything if you’re experiencing a lapse in reality.

You may not be able to sleep, either, even though all the mental symptoms will exhaust you. Please don’t take anything strong like Ambien or Nyquil – your body is already trying to process enough.

Finally. you’ll have anxiety and you’ll probably be pretty grumpy. Warn the people you interact with to expect changes in mood. You can always apologize for being snappy later.

While most people peak on day three, it takes others longer. It depends on how long you’ve been addicted and the dosage you’re used to.

Addicts who’ve been on the drug longer or take more milligrams than others have a longer withdrawal period.

Day 4-10

Like we said, you could experience intense withdrawal symptoms for up to 10 days or a week, depending on your usage. But by the end of the first week, you should start to see symptoms subside.

While the physical discomfort goes away, you may find your mental state gets worse. Depression is common among opiate addicts, especially.

You’ve been supplying your brain with an outside-source of dopamine, the happiness chemical. It’s not used to having to make its own.

It’ll take a while for it to kick back into production, and you’ll feel depressed until it does.

Day 10+

We don’t want to scare you, but your depression and cravings can last for months after your last dose. That’s why it’s so important to seek out support.

Family members, people at church or professional counselors are all good people to turn to.

Treating Your Symptoms

Your methadone withdrawal timeline will be different than anyone else. It’s a unique process and you only have to do it once – if you do it right!

Are you about to start detox or are you already uncomfortable? You can make yourself feel a little better with these herbal remedies.

Remember that this is suffering you’re doing for a better future – for you and the people that love you!


[1] Biology of Addiction. (2017, September 8). Retrieved from https://newsinhealth.nih.gov/2015/10/biology-addiction

[2] Heart failure due to ‘stress cardiomyopathy?: a severe manifestation of the opioid withdrawal syndrome. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3760581/

treating fentanyl addiction with methadone

Methadone’s Effectiveness in the Treatment of Fentanyl Addiction

When someone is badly injured, they can sometimes have long term chronic pain that can be hard to manage. Fentanyl is sometimes prescribed for pain management so that the person can live a more productive life. Unfortunately, Fentanyl addiction can happen and the drug is often abused by people who aren’t prescribed to take it – this is where methadone can help. This can lead to illness and even death. Understanding what Fentanyl does, how it should be taken and what can be done if you do become addicted to it is important.

What is Fentanyl & How It is Contributing to the Opioid Epidemic

Fentanyl is a pain medication that commonly prescribed by doctors for people who have had an accident or injury that has left them in intense pain. The pain that cancer patients experience is often treated with the medication, as well. It is taken as a lozenge, pill or even as a nasal spray for cancer patients. Individuals who need constant 24-hour pain management often use Fentanyl in the form of a pain patch or an injection. The pain patch releases the medication in small doses over extended periods of time so that there is constant pain relief provided to patients.

Fentanyl boosts chemical dopamine in the body which creates a euphoric feeling and promotes relaxation, to decrease the pain that someone feels. Unfortunately, the euphoric feeling that is created is sought after by those who are prescribed the medication and those who are not. Many people become addicted to the fact that the drug keeps them from feeling physical pain and to the euphoric mental state it puts them in. People who are addicted to other opioids often start taking Fentanyl because it is easy to access and is much stronger than heroin or other opioids found on the market today.

How Bad is Fentanyl Addiction & Withdrawal

Fentanyl addiction can be quite drastic. If you are battling pain on a regular basis, the intensity of the pain can feel quite dramatic when you stop using because you are not only feeling the pain for the first time in a long time, but your body is also feeling withdrawal symptoms. The symptoms can include insomnia, sweating, nausea, stomach cramping, muscle aches and agitation. Unlike most drugs, the withdrawal symptoms with Fentanyl can last for quite a while.

Many addicts battle the withdrawal symptoms that come from a Fentanyl addiction for two weeks to a month. When people try to overcome the addiction on their own, they cannot always handle the withdrawal symptoms they experience as they detox and end up relapsing. This can lead to an overdose because they make the mistake of using again to ease the pain that they feel. When they do the drugs again after not doing them for a long time, they end up overdosing because their body isn’t used to the drugs anymore.

How Methadone Can Help

Methadone prescription medication that can be taken to ease some of the symptoms that come along with detoxing from Fentanyl. It can be taken as a pill, powder or liquid and is designed to be taken for a short period of time. The great thing about methadone is that it can be taken through outpatient treatment programs. That means that you can take it while you still go about your daily life.

Methadone is great for addicts who have problems with relapsing because it minimizes the pain that they feel as they detox and helps them to not be able to get high if they do try to take any opioids while the methadone is in their system. Methadone is very affordably priced and readily available at just about any drug rehabilitation treatment center near you. It needs to be taken as directed and monitored if Methadone is going to be as effective as it can be. You should only take methadone from medical professionals to ensure that the right dosage is prescribed to you and so that you can slowly decrease the amounts that you take so that you can wean yourself from the drug in a safe manner.

Why You Should Consider Methadone Maintenance for Fentanyl Addiction

Many people are fearful to try methadone because they assume that it won’t help them and because they are fearful that they will become addicted to it in place of the Fentanyl. While addiction to methadone is possible, through proper monitoring and other forms of drug intervention treatment, you can use it as a great way to overcome an addiction to Fentanyl.

When you decide you’re ready to stop using Fentanyl, you need to go to see a psychiatrist, as well as take methadone to overcome the addiction. The methadone relieves physical symptoms of addiction that you feel, but you may still have mental issues that need to be addressed. Learning how to cope with the psychological side of an addiction is the key to success. You can learn how to handle triggers that you may feel throughout life and develop coping mechanisms for battling a relapse. You have to take control of your body and mind in order to be able to overcome an addiction to Fentanyl.

It’s important to realize that overcoming addiction of any kind is a process. Do not get overwhelmed and simply give up on your recovery. If you feel that a relapse may be in your future, seek help from outside sources to avoid it from taking place. You can go to an inpatient treatment program to get help for any addiction that you face. Inpatient treatment allows you to be secluded from not only the drugs but other factors in life that could lead to a relapse. Within the treatment program, you can take methadone to help minimize the withdrawal symptoms that you experience as you detox and get help from medical professionals. To learn how to cope with the stresses that come with overcoming drug addiction reach out (855) 976-2092.


[1] Methadone Fast Facts. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.justice.gov/archive/ndic/pubs6/6096/

[2] NIDA. (2016, June 6). Fentanyl. Retrieved from https://www.drugabuse.gov/drugs-abuse/fentanyl on 2019, February 20

[3] Fentanyl Withdrawal | Dual Diagnosis. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.dualdiagnosis.org/fentanyl-risks/withdrawal/

[4] Featured News: Methadone Appears Safe and Effective in Treating Fentanyl Addiction: Study ? Partnership News Service from the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids. (2018, July 4). Retrieved from https://drugfree.org/learn/drug-and-alcohol-news/featured-news-methadone-appears-safe-effective-treating-fentanyl-addiction-study/


methadone maintenance treatment

How To Get Sober: 11 Ways to Finally Conquer Addiction

Over 23 million people in the United States struggle with drug and alcohol addiction.

That number is horrifying in that it reveals the massive scope of the problems Americans face when it comes to physical and emotional battles with addictive substances. The number is also comforting, particularly for those who struggle with addiction, in that it lets them know they’re not alone

If you’re struggling with addiction and are reading this article, you’re at a critical point. Chances are, your struggles have you scared or at very least have you yearning to take control of your life again.

Our team is committed to helping you achieve that end.

Below, we’ve compiled a quick list of 11 tips on how to get sober. Our hope is that at least a handful of our suggestions will resonate and help you get your life back to where it’s meant to be.

1. Focus on Today

Many times an addicted person’s stress comes from lamenting on the failures of yesterday. They think about why they made poor decisions, what they’ve lost, and how their life could have been.

Retrospective thoughts like that are counterproductive to becoming everything you can be today.

Get your head out of the past and start focusing on improving your future.

2. Be Transparent with Family and Friends

There are few how to get sober strategies that are better than having family and friends support you.

Don’t ever be ashamed of your addiction in front of the ones you love.

Sit down with them and let them know what you’re struggling with and how you’re working to change it. Let them be proactive in helping you meet your goals.

3. Don’t Make Relapse Easy

If you’re addicted to heroin, alcohol or any other harmful substance, it’s important that you make access to those substances as difficult as possible.

Remove them from your home. Don’t walk by places where you know you can get your fix on your way to work or school.

The more distance you can put between you and addictive substances, the better your chances will be of getting sober.

4. Meditate

Meditation is a fabulous way of unpacking your thoughts and learning how to forgive yourself. It’s also excellent at helping you calm your mind which can assist in your sleeping better and reducing impulsive behaviors.

Learn more about mindfulness meditation and partake in free guided sessions today!

5. Develop Healthy Addictions

A lot of people learn how to get sober by getting their addiction fix from a more healthy source. Activities like exercise, being social, and more can all be fun habits you can train your body to crave and start devoting more time to!

6. Find a Better Circle of Friends

Most people who are struggling with addiction have a group of friends who also have addiction issues or at very least enable addictive behaviors. If you want to give yourself a real chance at sobriety, the best thing you can do is dump those friends and find new ones.

There’s a popular saying that says you’re only as good as your least successful friend. Make sure your “least successful friend” is somebody you can aspire to be.

7. Take on a New Responsibility

Beating addiction for many people can be about finding a new way to occupy their time. So, what are some ways you can start keeping busy?

We recommend finding a good job, taking on a side-hustle or adopting a pet.

Any one of those things can help you develop great new skills and will make finding time for destructive behaviors difficult.

8. Get Away from Triggers

Do you know what triggers you to want to use? For many, discovering triggers is a long journey that requires lots of introspective thought and therapy.

If you’re aware of at least one or two your triggers though, you can be proactive in avoiding them.

For example, does stress make you want to use? If so, when a stressful situation is arising, don’t be afraid to walk away from it.

One day you’ll have the skills you need to face stress and other triggers without needing to walk away or feeling the need to use. Until that day comes though, walking away is the best option.

9. Set Goals for Yourself

Figuring on how to get sober is a long journey people take day by day. Sometimes, when you’re hyper-focused on today though, it can be difficult to see where you’re going.

To make sure you’re making consistent progress towards the life of your dreams, set goals and do your best to always move towards them! Goals are a great way to keep you on the right path and away from relapse.

10. Don’t Worry About Statistics

It’s all too common that we hear of people who don’t want to try and recover because of the negative statistics they’ve read in regard to relapse and failure.

Let us be clear about this… You are not a statistic. You are a person.

Numbers have no power over you or your actions, only you do.

Ignore statistics and focus on being the best version of yourself every day.

11. Seek Professional Help

As you can see, there are a tremendous amount of ways you and the people around you can help stomp out addiction. Still, to make your sobriety come easier and be more durable, we recommend finding a high-quality rehabilitation program.

Rehabilitation programs provide those seeking sobriety with the professional help they need to get well medically and emotionally.

Wrapping Up How To Get Sober: 11 Ways to Finally Conquer Addiction

There you have it! 11 ways we believe you can help yourself conquer addiction.

Our recommendation if you’re wondering how to get sober is to incorporate as many of the above suggestions into your daily life as possible. We’re confident that by changing the way you think and the activities you partake in, you’ll start to move your life in a positive direction and leave your addiction behind you!

Do you struggle with an addiction to harmful opiates? If so, our team is here to help.

At Methadone Near Me, our aim is to provide those looking for solutions to their addiction with all of the information they need to find the relief they deserve.

Click here to learn more about methadone and find the help you need.



[1] Open Society Foundations. (2018). Defining the addiction treatment gap – addiction is a disease – let’s treat it that way. Retrieved from https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/sites/default/files/data-summary-20101123.pdf

[2] Guided Meditations – UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center – Los Angeles, CA. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.uclahealth.org/marc/mindful-meditations