heroin facts

The Heroin Abuse Statistics You Need to Know About

The United States in the middle of a heroin crisis and has been for the last decade. According to statistics, roughly five times as many Americans are using heroin than a decade ago, and about three times as many are addicted.

Additionally, it has been found that in the years following 2010, nearly four times as many people died of heroin overdose than in the early 2000s. According to another statistic, the number of deaths caused by heroin overdose in 2015 was over six times what it was in 2002.

With these facts in mind, you may be wondering what else you should know about heroin abuse? Is there any information out there that might help me avoid heroin abuse, recover from it, spot it in someone I love or help them recover?

The answer to all of these questions is “yes.” The first rule of any struggle is “know your enemy” and knowing what heroin is, why it’s addictive and why it’s dangerous can do you a world of good.

Read on to learn more.

Origins of Heroin and Heroin Abuse

Humanity’s connection to heroin dates back to the 19th century. In fact, it is mentioned in some of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s stories that Sherlock Holmes uses heroin.

Heroin comes from the poppy plant and is technically classified as an opiate. Opiates like heroin were one of the awful by-products that came with the creation of better painkillers like morphine.

Roughly 13.5 million people use opiates around the world. Of these, only 4.3 are not using heroin.

Heroin and the Prescription Drug Issue

The abuse of prescription painkillers is at an all-time high, and this had a major effect on heroin abuse. Painkillers ten to be a gateway drug to heroin, and the statistics back this up.

Nearly half of all heroin users also use painkillers. Of those that inject heroin, about half reported that they abused painkillers first.

Another statistic reports that people who are addicted to painkillers are 40 times more likely to become addicted to heroin. Others state that this likelihood is only nineteen times greater, though this is still staggering compared to other drugs.

Though prescription painkillers are far more dangerous, heroin deaths are rising rapidly. Prescription painkillers were responsible for roughly 18,000 deaths in 2015, up just slightly from around 17,000.

Meanwhile, heroin caused almost 13,000 deaths in 2015, up from 10,000 the previous year, and 8,000 the year before that. Prescription opiates, on the other hand, experienced a dip in 2012-13, only to recover over the next two years.

The Average User

So, if we had to describe the quintessential heroin user, the one that all of the statistics describe, what would they look like? How do they live?

He’s Male

According to a study conducted by Columbia University, heroin addiction grew more among males than it did females. On a related note, males die from heroin overdose far more often than women do.

He’s White

This same study concluded that heroin use was rising far more quickly among whites than any other race. Currently, whites also account for the largest amount of overdose deaths from heroin. This is a stark change from the early 2000’s when the average was much higher among black people between their 40’s and 60’s.

He’s Lower-Middle-Class or Below

Columbia reported that heroin use was rising among those with lower income. One major reason for this may be that heroin is surprisingly affordable. If you spent sixty dollars on prescription opiates and six dollars on heroin, you would have roughly the same amount of both drugs.

He has little education. According to Columbia, heroin increased significantly among those with little education. This is not surprising, seeing as lower education may result in a lower-paying job, which would result in the need for a cheaper drug.

  • He’s young. According to the CDC, heroin use has more than doubled in those aged 18-25 compared to a decade ago.
  • He’s addicted to multiple drugs. A study conducted by the CDC in 2013 found that over 95% had used another drug. Just over 60% used at least three. To combine this with earlier statistics, one of this ‘patient zero’s’ other drugs of choice is probably a prescription painkiller
  • He has health issues of some kind, and maybe multiple. A report from the SAMHSA states that those with pretty much any kind of health problems, be it an injury or painful condition, a substance abuse disorder, any other form of mental health problem and even just poor health in general increases the chances of heroin abuse.
  • He’s been discriminated against at some point. Maybe this guy was treated pretty badly growing up because of his health issues. Maybe some other factor caused people to mistreat him. Either way, discrimination is also a potential risk factor for heroin addiction.

Things to Look For

If you think that somebody you know may be suffering from a heroin problem, but aren’t sure, there are some signs to look out for.

A lot of these factors will be obvious, things that you’d probably pick up on before too long. If they’re acting weird, neglecting various things from work to hygiene, asking for money a lot or having run-ins with the law, they may be using heroin or other drugs.

Some of the more subtle ways to spot addiction involve looking for certain health issues. If they are prone to infections or contract a serious one. They may also have constipation, bad skin, depression or trouble sleeping.

What’s Next?

Now that you know a little more about heroin and heroin addiction, what should you do? Getting off of drugs is hard, and, to level with you, heroin is particularly tough to kick.

Still, there are things you can do to make it easier. Perhaps just learning more about opiates and what you can expect when getting clean might help. Perhaps someone else has the problem, and you aren’t sure how to help them.

We’re here with a whole host of resources to help you. Heroin addiction, really any kind of addiction is tough to get rid of. There are a lot of places committed to helping you and a lot of people who’ve been where you are. You’re not alone.

If you or someone you love is struggling with heroin addiction and want to find options for methadone treatment near you, give us a call at (855) 976- 2092


[1] US Heroin Abuse Statistics. (2018, August 8). Retrieved from https://www.rehabcenter.net/heroin/statistics/

[2] Heroin Abuse Information & Statistics | Signs and Symptoms. (2018). Retrieved from https://heroin.net/heroin-addiction/abuse/

[3] Heroin Statistics – Facts About Heroin Addiction, Use & Death – Drug-Free World. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.drugfreeworld.org/drugfacts/heroin/international-statistics.html

[4] National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2019, January 29). Overdose Death Rates. Retrieved from https://www.drugabuse.gov/related-topics/trends-statistics/overdose-death-rates


risks of opioids

Understanding the Destructive Effects of Opioid Abuse

The opioid crisis is more destructive than many people realize. Each day, over 115 people die from an overdose in America.

In addition to the fatality rate, opioid abuse also wreaks havoc on addicts and has both short and long-term effects.

Some of the effects of opioid abuse are minor and will pass once a person goes through recovery. Unfortunately, others side-effects are more detrimental and may cause serious physical and psychological issues.

If you or a loved one has an opioid addiction, you need to get treatment immediately. It also helps to stay educated.

That’s why we’re going over some of the effects of opioid abuse.

Opioids: A General Overview

Opioids are painkillers, typically prescribed after surgery, injury, or other debilitating illnesses.

They bind to receptors in your brain, which is why they stop pain and produce a feeling of euphoria and relaxation. However, after extended use, a person begins to build up a tolerance. This means they need more and more of the opioid in order to get the original result.

When a person becomes addicted, their brain stops producing natural endorphins that act as painkillers. This is because their body is used to the opioid. They’re now dependent on the drug to act as an alternative to the endorphins.

Once a person becomes addicted, the effects of opioid abuse start to take their toll on the body and mind.

Short-Term Effects

The short-term effects of opioid abuse may start occurring fairly quickly after a person reaches dependency. Many of these side-effects are minor and disappear after the person discontinues use.

However, these side-effects can quickly lead to more damaging issues if a person continues to take opiates.


Drug abuse of any kind eventually starts to drain the user of energy. This is a result of a weakened immune system, stress, or lack of sleep.

Because opioids already slow down breathing, fatigue could be even worse during continuous use.

Mild Depression

Even in early stages of addiction, a person may experience mild depression. This could be a result of a general lack of motivation caused by the drug, or even a symptom of minor withdrawal.

One study found that out of 100,000 people, none of which had depression prior to the study, 10% developed depression after taking opioids.

Social Withdrawal

A person abusing drugs may begin to withdraw from social circles they once were very involved with.

This could be because they’re now devoting more and more time to drug use. It could also be a way to hide their growing dependence.

Nausea or Constipation

Opioids tend to cause stomach problems for the user. Often a user whose body isn’t used to the drug will experience nausea, upset stomach, or even vomiting.

These drugs also slow down the digestive process, often leading to constipation.


One of the short-term effects of opioid use for many people is itchy skin. This seems like a strange side-effect of a painkiller, but it’s quite common.

Doctors had originally thought this itchiness was a result of the drug interacting with the nervous system. However, research found that one of the receptors in the brain causes itchiness. When opioids bind to this receptor, some people start itching.

Long-Term Effects of Opioid Abuse

While many of the short-term effects discussed will disappear after an addict stops using opioids, there are long-term effects that are more detrimental. These effects continue long after detox treatment.

Long-term effects are typically associated with prolonged use of the drug. They take the form of both mental and physical side-effects and may require continued counseling and medical treatment.

Psychological Issues

During severe opiate addiction, a user may start to suffer from a wide range of behavioral issues. These could include:

  • Anger and irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Mood swings
  • Paranoia
  • Delirium
  • Lack of awareness

This increased instability in their behavior could be a result of many things. Heavy dependency puts a lot of strain on the body, which affects a person’s ability to handle everyday issues.

Depression may linger well after a person has gone through treatment and is no longer on the drug. Their mind has to acclimate back to sobriety.

A person may also experience guilt and regret their addiction, which may lead to depression.


Lack of sleep is a very common symptom of opioid withdrawal. This can be extremely difficult for a recovering addict, as insomnia effects every other aspect of their well-being.

Our immune systems recharge while we sleep, and when this doesn’t happen, we’re prone illness, stress, and even depression.

Even after an opiate addict goes through detox and has rid the drug from their body, they still may struggle with insomnia. Without the drug, they may not know what to do with the renewed energy.

In addition, although the physical withdrawal is over, the psychological one could last years. This may lead to trouble sleeping.

Decreased Sex Drive

Long-term opioid abuse can affect a person’s hormones, causing a drastic drop in their sex drive. This is due to an alteration in their endocrine system. This system carries hormones directly to the central nervous system.

A recovering addict may notice a lack of interest in sex or reduced occasions of sex. Women may notice changes to their menstrual cycle. Some people even experience infertility after long-term drug abuse.

Increased Sensitivity to Pain

After long-term abuse of opioids, a person may experience increased sensitivity to pain after recovery.

When a person constantly has opiates in their system, the brain starts to believe it’s constantly in pain. This is because other parts of the body are sending pain signals.

This long-term effect is very serious for people who started taking opioids to manage pain from an injury or surgery. They become hypersensitive to the pain, which can lead to disability.

Seek Help for Opioid Addiction

If you or a loved one suffer from opioid addiction, the faster you get help, the better. Prolonged abuse of opiates may lead to some of the long-term effects of opioid abuse we discussed above.

Before this happens, seek treatment. For more information check out our blog or give us acall at (855) 976- 2092.


[1] National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2019, January 22). Opioid Overdose Crisis. Retrieved from https://www.drugabuse.gov/drugs-abuse/opioids/opioid-overdose-crisis

[2] Using Opioids Can Cause Depression – Citizens Commission on Human Rights, CCHR. (2016, June 14). Retrieved from https://www.cchrflorida.org/using-opioids-can-cause-depression/

[3] When They Become Tough to Stomach. (2016, January 27). Retrieved from https://www.webmd.com/pain-management/opioid-stomach-problems#1

[4] Westly, E. (2012, March 1). Why Some Pain Relievers Cause Intense Itching. Retrieved from https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/defeating-pain-without-the-itch/

[5] Katz N and Mazer NA. (2009, February 25). The impact of opioids on the endocrine system. – PubMed – NCBI. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19333165