is methadone addictive?

Can You Become Addicted to Methadone?

Are you or a loved one thinking of trying methadone to combat a drug addiction?

If so, you may be worried about if you’ll end up getting addicted to methadone and the potential problems that can come with taking the medication.

Methadone, when used to combat drug use like heroin, the methadone success rate is around 60% to 90% for keeping former addicts clean in the long run. However, methadone is still an opioid and a Schedule II substance. Because of this, many people wonder, “Is methadone addictive?

In this article, we’ll go over some of your concerns about possible methadone addiction.

What is Methadone?

Methadone is a synthetic opioid that has been used since the 1960s for controlling the addiction to heroin and other opiates.

It has been found that most addicts fare better in the long run if they take a medication that can help mitigate their desire for drugs. If you’re addicted to drugs, after a while, the craving is not only mental but also physical.

This is why methadone plays an important role in recovery.

Taking methadone can literally save people’s lives. If a heroin user relapses after going off of drugs “cold turkey,” he or she may not remember what it was like before he or she developed a tolerance. As a result, he or she might take a dose of heroin that their body no longer can tolerate.

Methadone curbs this problem, by keeping opiates in the body. Some people accidentally overdose by relapsing. But if you’re on methadone, the large dose of heroin won’t kill you.

People may also be prescribed methadone for physical ailments, most commonly as a painkiller.

How Long Does a Former Addict Take Methadone?

A former addict might turn to long-term methadone use. The drug can be taken for a few months, a few years or the rest of his or her life. If his or her heroin use was severe, it may become a lifetime commitment.

Although there is a severe stigma of methadone treatment and around using drugs to help drug addiction, many people find it very helpful in their recovery.

Who Can Take Methadone?

You must be prescribed methadone by your doctor in order to take it. Although people sell methadone on “the street,” it isn’t legal to do so. Taking it from your doctor is safer, as he or she knows your history and can help you find the correct dosage.

How Do You Take Methadone?

Methadone is typically distributed at a methadone clinic. You’ll take the methadone at the clinic in front of a staff member. This is because some people may abuse methadone and sell it for money.

Once you’ve proven trustworthy, you may take the methadone home and monitor your prescription yourself.

You will still have to check in with your doctor in order to monitor your progress. He or she may make regular visits a condition of fulfilling the medication.

You take methadone orally, as most of the time it comes in pill form.

Is Methadone Addictive?

As methadone is an opiate, unfortunately, it is addictive.

It was originally created as an alternative to heroin, and is meant to be less addictive and have fewer side effects than heroin. While most people report that their side effects are fewer than street drugs, they can still become addicted to the “high” methadone offers.

Those who take methadone for reasons other than managing heroin addiction may find that they become addicted to methadone, as well.

Can You Overdose on Methadone?

Yes, you can overdose on methadone, just as you can any medication.

If you take methadone as prescribed by your doctor, you will not overdose on the medication. This is especially the case if you’re still visiting a methadone clinic to take your daily dose.

However, if you’re taking methadone at home, or using methadone that you have procured illegally, there is a risk of overdose.

Signs of overdose/toxicity may include:

  • low blood pressure
  • difficulty breathing or shallow breathing
  • small pupils
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • constipation
  • stomach spasms
  • clammy skin
  • blue lips or fingernails
  • weakness
  • muscle spasms
  • dizziness
  • fatigue
  • confusion
  • disorientation

If you suspect someone you know has overdosed on methadone, call 911 right away. The individual will need immediate medical attention.

Getting Treatment for a Methadone Addiction

Treatment for a methadone addiction is similar to treatment for other opiate addictions. It may involve a period of withdrawal, that may be managed medically. Some people report that coming down and withdrawing from methadone can be almost as bad, if not worse, than withdrawing from heroin.

Many rehab facilities and clinics will work with you to help you get to the root of your problem when it comes to your methadone addiction. They can help you assess your issues, as well as help you on the path to recovery. They will not turn you away “just” because your addiction is to methadone and not a “harder” drug in comparison.

Addiction and Methadone

Methadone itself has a stigma around it due to people feeling that using methadone as a way to manage heroin addiction is somehow “cheating.” This is not the case, and the medication is safe is taken as directed by a doctor.

But, is methadone addictive? Unfortunately, the answer is yes.

If you or someone you love is worried they are addicted to methadone, speak to your doctor or therapist. There is help available. Although it isn’t easy to overcome an opioid addiction, it can be done.

For more information on methadone, detox, and its uses in recovery, click here or give us a call at (855) 976- 2092!


[1] California Society of Addiction Medicine. (2019). Retrieved from;

[2] Methadone overdose: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. (2019). Retrieved from


exercise to overcome addiction

How to Conquer Opioid Addiction Through Exercise

Overcoming substance abuse and addiction is one of the greatest struggles we can face as individuals.

Opioid addiction affects over 2.1 million people in the US. It has the ability to leave individuals feeling alone and powerless. Substance abusers use a huge variety of techniques to overcome addiction, but some of the most effective are also the most basic.

Keep reading to find out how to conquer addiction through exercise.

Realigning Your Mentality

One of the first ways exercise can help with addiction lies in the way it reframes your thinking.

Substance abusers often have a long history of negative thinking. Their brain has spent a large amount of time under the “control” of something other than their conscious thoughts.

Exercise changes this by providing a flow of thought into action. It becomes clear that the individual can choose to take action and see that action play out through an effort of will.

This is in direct contrast to the pattern of addiction, which reinforces negative and fatalistic thinking.

Setting Reachable Goals

Climbing out of the deepest pits of addiction can seem like a struggle toward an invisible speck of light. It’s hard to see where the end-point lies.

With exercise, almost anything can be a milestone. You can set goals from getting out for a jog every day to gaining X amount of muscle mass and anything in between. That retrains your brain to set and meet reachable goals and break distant ambitions down into everyday realities.

That’s an invaluable skill for the addicted brain to learn. It shows that achieving anything is a matter of achieving many smaller steps. You can’t solve any major problem all at once — inching toward daylight is the only way to climb out of the pit.

This also establishes the power of positive reinforcement. By celebrating your achievements rather than bemoaning your failings, you start to see the world in a different, empowering way.

Displacing Opioid Addiction

While addiction is a product of the body and mind, it also has a strong behavioral component. A common example lies in smoking, where smokers often miss the “ritual” of smoking and discover a sense of pent-up energy without it.

Exercise for addiction helps alleviate this behavioral component by turning the pent-up energy into the dynamic energy of exercise. Your exercise regime can also replace the ritual in a literal sense by occupying the same mental “spot” as a regular, comforting activity.

Reduce Stress in Recovery

Exercise is one of nature’s big reliever of stress in early sobriety, making it an effective weapon against society’s modern stress epidemic and all the behaviors, like addiction, that emerge from it.

Stress reduces our ability to tolerate attacks on our willpower. As we grow more stressed, we’re more likely to give in to cravings or “treat” ourselves to work through it. In the case of someone kicking an addiction, this can mean a relapse.

By reducing stress through exercise, a former addict can shore up their willpower. Recovering from addiction is the repetition of a single question: “Can I overcome?”. The better you equip yourself to answer “yes”, the more times you’ll do it — and the more likely you’ll kick the addiction altogether.

Improving Sleep Efficiency

Science shows us that exercise helps us sleep better every night. That’s not surprising. We evolved for movement and our modern lives often constrain that movement. That leaves us with an excess of physical energy (if not mental energy) by the end of the day.

A lack of sleep can cause a wealth of knock-on effects. It damages our physical and mental wellbeing, reducing our ability to resist temptations. It also negatively impacts our mood.

Sleep forms the bedrock of our day, an aspect of our life on which all else depends. By cleaning up your sleep, you can clean up your life.

Strengthening Your Body

It’s no secret that withdrawal can play havoc on the human body. As with diseases, a stronger body is often better placed to resist the impact of withdrawal symptoms.

If you’ve been struggling with opioids, your body might be paying the price. Opioids can have a dramatic impact on the liver and digestive system, which in turn can affect your overall health. Building your physical health back up forms a key part of returning to a normal life.

Studies tell us there’s an innate link between mental and physical health. By strengthening the body, you’re removing physical stress. This improves mental resistances to addictive impulses.

Feelings of Achievement

Perhaps one of the most overlooked interplays between exercise and addiction lies in the sense of achievement exercise can enable.

Overcoming addiction is a process with little feedback. At any point, addicts feel they might relapse in the span of a weak five minutes.

Meaningful milestones can help addicts overcome their feelings. Through exercise, individuals can hit their own targets and discover a system of positive rewards in stark contrast to the negative feedback loop of drug addiction.

Reasserting Control

The most subtle yet powerful aspect of overcoming addiction through exercise lies in the control exercise helps to reassert.

Addiction is a tyrannical force that steals control away from those caught in its web. The best way to deal with a lack of control in life is to take action. Much like regaining the initiative in a sport, you can stop “playing defensively” and start scoring by switching your thinking from passive to active.

Exercise switches up your thinking by showing you that you can control a surprising amount of your day if you set your mind to it. You alone can make the choice to get up and exercise. When you achieve your targets, it’s you who made it possible.

How to Conquer Addiction Through Exercise

Exercise can’t erase addiction overnight or reduce the effort required from someone looking to get clean. But it can provide new levels of focus and clarity to those wondering how to conquer addiction. In a battle of wills, these traits are invaluable and could mean the difference between kicking the addiction and relapse.

Looking for more advice for those suffering from addiction and drug abuse? Be sure to follow our blog.

We’ve got a wealth of information on detox, methadone, and opioid addiction. Check out our articles or contact us at (855) 976-2092 to find help in your home state.



[1] With 175 Americans dying a day, what are the solutions to the opioid epidemic? (2018, January 29). Retrieved from

[2] Exercise & Insomnia: Natural Remedy – National Sleep Foundation. (n.d.). Retrieved from

[3] Exercise for Mental Health – NIH. (2016). Retrieved from

methadone side effects

5 Methadone Side Effects to Watch (and How to Treat Them)

Opioid addiction is a serious public health problem in the United States. Did you know over 115 people die every day from an accidental opioid overdose?

That’s a grim statistic. If you are suffering from substance abuse, it’s also a potentially personal outcome. This scenario, however, doesn’t have to be your fate.

Consider methadone treatment as part of your recovery process. It’s both safe and effective.

Like any medication, though, methadone has side effects, some of which are mild and some possibly severe. Below we’ll go over the 5 most common methadone side effects to watch out for. You’ll also learn how to treat them.

Read on for more information!

Facts About Methadone

Before discussing methadone side effects, let’s go over some general information on methadone treatment for opioid dependence. We’ll also see why it’s an effective treatment option for opioid withdrawal.

What Is Methadone?

Methadone was invented by German scientists during World War II. The Germans used it for pain relief when they were running out of morphine.

By 1947, methadone was being used in the United States. At first, it was seen as an all-purpose pain medication. It wasn’t until 1971 that methadone was approved as a treatment option for heroin and other opiate abuse.

How Methadone Helps Recovery

Today, methadone is one of the ways addicts can successfully gain recovery from opiate addiction. It blocks receptors in the brain affected by opioids. In this way, methadone improves withdrawal symptoms. It will also reduce or eliminate cravings.

The dread of withdrawal symptoms is a major reason why addicts are often afraid to enter rehab. By lessening or eliminating these symptoms, it also takes away a lot of the fear of recovery. The reduction of cravings is also a key component of methadone’s efficacy.

Like any drug, though, methadone side effects do occur. Let’s look below at the 5 most common ones.

1. Constipation From Methadone

First of all, take note: do not be embarrassed by this side effect. It’s common. Doctors administering your methadone treatment won’t be surprised one bit by your reports of problems in the bathroom.

Now, on to the facts.

All opioid medications, including methadone, cause constipation. It’s possible, then, that rehab patients had constipation before starting treatment. Poor diet or alcohol abuse may have masked this problem.

Alternatively, constipation can come with the methadone treatment itself. If that’s the case, this unpleasant side effect may be mild. Or, it may go away within a few days or a couple of weeks after beginning treatment.

Of course, if the constipation is severe, consult your doctor or healthcare provider. You may have an underlying condition that needs treatment.

Is there anything you can do to alleviate your methadone-induced constipation? Drinking plenty of water, eating fiber-rich foods, and getting regular exercise can help. In addition, mild constipation may be relieved by an over-the-counter (OTC) medication. These include products like:

  • stool softeners
  • fiber products
  • enemas
  • suppositories

Be careful about taking a laxative during methadone treatment, though. Mixing laxatives and methadone together can cause an imbalance in your electrolyte levels. You could end up having problems with your heart’s rhythm.

As always, consult your doctor before beginning any medication during your methadone treatment.

2. Dizziness, Lightheadedness, Drowsiness

Feeling dizzy or lightheaded is common while taking methadone. This symptom often occurs as you rise from lying down. So, be careful when getting up! Rising more slowly may help you feel better.

Also, if you’re feeling extra tired, dizzy, or lightheaded in general, take the time to lie down and rest. That may help you feel better.

Please note, however: general dizziness or lightheadedness is a normal side-effect of methadone. If you experience extreme dizziness along with chest pain and fast or pounding heartbeats, call your doctor right away. These symptoms, on the other hand, could indicate a life-threatening heart rhythm disorder.

Serious methadone side effects are more likely in patients who are weaker or malnourished.

3. Nausea or Vomiting

Nausea is a common side-effect of methadone treatment. It’s also a normal part of the withdrawal process. Just because it’s expected, though, doesn’t make it any easier!

Always take your methadone dose with food. Whatever you do, don’t take it on an empty stomach.

If you feel nauseous immediately after taking your methadone, try sucking on a mint. Again, this symptom may go away after a few days or even weeks. If not, talk to your doctor about your methadone dosage. You’ll also want to make sure your upset stomach isn’t the result of a different condition, such as a peptic ulcer.

4. Increased Sweating or Perspiration

All opiates cause increased perspiration. Methadone is no exception and may be the worst of the bunch. About half of all methadone patients report increased sweating.

But, excessive sweating is also a symptom of opiate withdrawal. Make sure you talk to your doctor if you’re experiencing other withdrawal symptoms, such as:

  • body aches
  • nausea
  • stomach cramps
  • a runny nose

Your doctor may need to adjust your methadone dose if the sweating is dramatic. If it’s soaking through your clothes, for example, make sure to report that symptom. Your doctor needs to check for an alternative underlying medical condition, such as an overactive thyroid.

Common-sense measures can help mitigate profuse sweating. These include things like:

  • keeping your house cool
  • wearing loose clothing
  • losing weight

In fact, consistent exercise helps some people. Talcum powder and antiperspirants can also be applied, especially before bedtime. These tools may prevent the sweating from waking you up at night.

5. Headaches From Medication

Having a headache is another regular one of methadone side effects. Again, it should go away with time. But, if your headache becomes severe, you need to alert your doctor.

Wrapping Up on Methadone Side Effects

None of these methadone side effects seem fun. It’s true. They don’t, however, last forever, and, in the end, they’re much better than continuing down the dark road of opioid addiction.

Under proper medical supervision, methadone can make the withdrawal process much easier. It will also improve your chances of a complete recovery. That way, you can begin your new life.

We can help you search for safe and effective treatment options for your addiction. Please contact us at (855) 976-2092 today to find the best clinic for you. Please also check out our website for more information on methadone treatment for opioids.



[1] Opioid Overdose Crisis – NIDA. Retrieved from

[2] Payte, J. T. (1991). A brief history of methadone in the treatment of opioid dependence: a personal perspective. – PubMed – NCBI. Retrieved February 15, 2019, from

[3] Kosten, T. R., & George, T. P. (2002). The neurobiology of opioid dependence: implications for treatment. Science & practice perspectives1(1), 13–20. Retrieved from

herbs for opiate withdrawal

How to Use Herbs for Opiate Withdrawal

Do you have a friend or loved one who is struggling with substance abuse issues? Are you wondering about how to use herbs for opiate withdrawal? Every day, more than 100 people are subject to opioid overdose deaths related to drugs like prescription painkillers, heroin, and fentanyl.

If you’re wondering how you can help, this article is for you. You might be surprised to find that traditional herbal medicine can help people detox from drug addiction.

Chinese doctors have been using herbs for opiate withdrawal symptoms for centuries. We’ll cover some of the most popular herbs for opiate withdrawal.

What Are the Signs of an Opiate Addiction?

If your loved one has been taking higher and higher doses of their pain medication, they might be in the throes of opioid addiction. If they’re “drug-seeking,” going to different doctors for new pain prescriptions, they could have an addiction. If you think you or a loved one has a problem, there are signs of opiate addiction to look out for.

Do they have violent mood swings? Do they seem like a totally different person before and after their pills? Are they buying street drugs like heroin? Have they stopped sleeping?

Ideally, people would immediately seek treatment for addiction. Realistically, you may find yourself trying to convince your friend or loved one that they have a problem. Or you may have noticed that your own opiate use has gone past a safe point. There are herbs for opiate withdrawal and options like regular methadone treatment.

1. Kava Kava

Kava kava is a plant that comes from the Pacific islands near Polynesia. The word itself means “bitter,” and that’s what you can expect when you brew kava tea. Drinking kava tea is popular in the South Pacific islands, where it’s used for everything from stomachaches to seizures.

There have been a few studies done on kava root and they’re promising. There is some evidence that kava-kava, taken in liquid or pill form, can combat cancer. It’s also useful for relieving anxiety associated with withdrawals from opioids and benzodiazepines.

About one-third of all overdoses occur when people start mixing opioids and benzodiazepines: Xanax, Klonopin, and Valium. If you or a loved one is struggling with a benzodiazepine addiction, you might want to try kava. It’s available in most health food stores and easily available online.

2. CBD

If you’re unfamiliar with CBD, you should know that it’s derived from the cannabis plant. Taking CBD in liquid, pill, or oil form has been proven to reduce opioid withdrawal symptoms, and it’s not illegal. THC is the part of the cannabis plant that delivers a “high,” and CBD is the part that relaxes and soothes pain.

CBD is legal in all 50 states and is available online. There are studies available that suggest that CBD can help people develop new thought patterns. Research also inquires about how CDB oil for addiction helps treatment success rates.   The herb is also used for relief from nausea and diarrhea, typical symptoms of opioid withdrawal.

To get started with CBD, you can get a wide range of products called “edibles.” There are CBD-infused gummy bears, CBD pills and tablets, and CBD oil. You can experiment with the dose until you find out what works best for you or your loved one. Keep going with methadone treatments, but work with the CBD on your free time.

3. Ginger

Ginger is a popular remedy for stomach discomfort, and it’s easy to find in tea or pill form. You can take ginger before you go to bed, and it will help ease the stomach pain that can come with withdrawal. Ginger is one of the best Chinese herbs for opiate withdrawal and has been used for centuries as a digestive aid and tonic.

If you’re not fond of the taste of ginger, you can take it with a bit of sugar. You can also find crystallized ginger chews, which are sweet and easy to digest. Chamomile tea and licorice are also used to help people who are withdrawing from opioids.

In general, you may have to experiment to find the best natural herbs for opiate withdrawal. Ginger is very popular, along with asafetida and ginseng. You might find that you prefer to take your ginger tea with a little bit of food. Eat if you can, and try to sleep at least four hours every night during the withdrawal process.

4. Valerian Root

Valerian root is one of the best natural herbs for opiate withdrawal. It’s been used for centuries: the ancient Romans used it to lessen anxiety and to improve sleep. Valerian is available in most health food stores and online.

When you or a loved one is withdrawing from opioids, there can be a tremendous pull to go back and start using again. If you’re not getting enough sleep or if you’re too nauseous to eat, it could stress you out to the point where relapse becomes a serious possibility.

Valerian root as a sleep aid helps those detoxing to minimize symptoms of insomnia. It can also be made into a tea or taken as a tincture. It seems to work best when you take it every day. If you’re going to be taking it for more than a few weeks, though, you should talk to your doctor. Watch your dosage, you don’t want to be sleepy during the day.

Additional Herbs for Opiate Withdrawal

In addition to the four herbs that we discussed in this article, there are several more herbs for opiate withdrawal. If you can, brew a tea with them instead of taking them in pill form: you’ll feel the effects more quickly.

Passionflower or St. John’s Wort can help you get relief from depression. You can also use essential oils like peppermint and lavender to relax and reduce anxiety. Opiate withdrawal can take weeks, depending upon how long you’ve been using, so be patient and keep drinking herbal tea.

You can also use essential oils in the bathtub as a way to calm down. Make sure to keep a bit of natural fat in your diet to calm your stomach, and try to eat small meals throughout the day. You’re trying to return your system to a balanced state, but that could take a little while.

We’ve got a wealth of information on detox, methadone, and opioid addiction. Check out our articles or contact us at (855) 976-2092 to find help in your home state.



[1] National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2018, March). Benzodiazepines and Opioids . Retrieved from

[2] National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2018, March 26). Non-psychoactive cannabinoid may enable drug addiction recovery. Retrieved from National Institute on Drug Abuse:

[3] National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2019, January). Opioid Overdose Crisis. Retrieved from National Institute on Drug Abuse:


Withdrawing from opiates at home

10 Natural Home Remedies for Opiate Withdrawal

Opiate withdrawals can do a serious number on the mind and body. Some people experience minor symptoms nausea and headaches when they’re trying to stop using opiates, while others go through more intense things like vomiting, diarrhea, and excessive sweating.

These are just a few of the many symptoms of opiate withdrawal. Thankfully, there are plenty of home remedies for opiate withdrawal that you or your loved one can use to overcome this period of the addiction recovery process.

Here are 10 of the best resources a person can use when going through the stages of withdrawing from opiates at home.

1. Hydration

Proper hydration is essential to everyone, but it’s particularly important for addicts who are experiencing withdrawals.

Hydration helps keep the body in homeostasis. It supports healthy blood flow, good energy levels, and emotional stability – all of which may be affected during the withdrawal process.

When the body is trying to “shut down” because of its addiction to opiates, water is one of the best things that will keep a person going.

2. Healthy Eating

Drinking plenty of water and healthy eating go hand in hand.

It’s smart to eat bland, easy to digest foods like:

  • bananas
  • oatmeal
  • rice
  • pasta
  • saltine crackers

Note that many bland foods are carb-heavy. It’s smart to pair them with lean proteins and good fats in order for the body to get all the nutrients it needs.

3. Hot Baths

The next home remedy that does wonders for the struggles of opiate withdrawal is a hot bath. However, it’s good to note that this works better for some symptoms than others.

A hot bath doesn’t pair well with feelings of nausea or diarrhea. For things like headaches, muscle aches, restlessness, and/or goose bumps, taking a hot bath may be exactly what does the trick.

4. Exercise

If a person is particularly restless, they need to do something about all the energy rushing through them. Going for a run, a bike ride, or hitting the gym is the best option.

This gives the body a release of energy while supporting healthy changes and helping the mind unwind. Just a half-hour or a full 60 minutes of exercise can offer many benefits to a person’s opiate withdrawal process.

5. Meditation

Another home remedy worth trying when dealing with opiate withdrawals is to meditate. Meditation is good for the mind, body, and soul.

It takes a person’s mind off all the symptoms they’re dealing with and it helps calm some of those symptoms, too. Meditation can ease the sense of restlessness a person may be feeling, but it also has the potential to boost their energy a bit if they’re dealing with a big sense of fatigue.

6. Sleep

When fatigue gets to be too much, the best thing to do is just sleep.

Sleep helps boost a person’s energy levels and it supports muscle relaxation, too. It’s a good way to escape from the symptoms of opiate withdrawal for a while in a way that’s healthy and progressive. Not to mention, a person is more likely to start feeling like themselves and be in a good mood when they wake up from their sleep.

7. Acupuncture

This “home remedy” is one that an individual may need to call a specialist for. But, many acupuncturists are willing to do house calls, which adds to the overall comfort available with this experience.

Acupuncture is an ancient medicine that’s meant to help the body unwind and let go of mental struggles it’s been holding onto. This practice can ease the physical symptoms a person feels when going through opiate withdrawal, and it can boost their mental state as well.

8. A Smart Distraction

Sometimes, the best thing to do about opiate withdrawals is anything that will get the mind to think about something else. That “anything” should be a healthy distraction, of course.

Some of these include:

  • drawing/painting
  • cooking
  • journaling
  • going for a walk
  • playing a game
  • watching a movie

These are what most people do in their free time. But, they’re activities that some addicts have to push themselves to engage in after being so caught up in shooting up. Such distractions ease the withdrawal process, while also replacing old habits with new, better activities.

9. A New Daily Schedule

Speaking of new activities, a good thing to prioritize during the withdrawal process is a new daily schedule. Addicts in recovery need structure. They need to find ways to occupy their mind and body in order to speed the recovery process along, but more importantly, to reduce the chance of relapse.

When a person is busy gardening, exercising, or cooking, they’re not as focused on trying to entertain their addiction. Instead, they’re taking big steps in the right direction just by changing how they spend their time each day.

10. The Support of Others

The final remedy is that addicts in recovery need support from others.

Whether it’s your brother, mother, or best friend going through the withdrawal process, make an effort to be there for them. If you’re the one dealing with it, don’t hesitate to reach out to your loved ones.

The more support a person has during their recovery, the better their chances of getting sober and staying that way.

The One Thing That Tops All Home Remedies for Opiate Withdrawal

Keep in mind that as great as these home remedies for opiate withdrawal are, the best resource a person can have is medical help.

This does much more for an addict than any of these tricks can. It provides them with the attention and guidance they need to reach the other side of the opiate withdrawal process.

Medical personnel can easily identify exactly what a person needs to soothe their symptoms. They make the stages of withdrawal as comfortable as they can possibly be, and they help an addict jump right into the rest of their recovery process.

To get the professional support that you or a loved one need right now contact (855) 976-2092.



[1] Rachel Nall, RN, BSN, CCRN. (2018, July 19). Can you treat opiate withdrawal symptoms at home? Retrieved from

[2] Melemis S. M. (2015). Relapse Prevention and the Five Rules of Recovery. The Yale journal of biology and medicine88(3), 325-32. Retrieved From:

methadone success

What Is the Success Rate for Methadone Treatment?

Methadone has been used since the 1960s to help control addiction to opioids. It mainly helps manage treatment for heroin and opioid addicted individuals.

While methadone remains controversial, the methadone success rate is actually fairly high. However, due to myths and rumors surrounding the medication, many people have failed to get the help they need.

In this article, we’ll go over what methadone actually is and discuss the success rate for the medication.

Read on to see if this medication might be right for you in your journey to sobriety.

What is Methadone?

The formal name for the medical is methadone hydrochloride. It is a synthetic opioid that was discovered worked well to help treat those addicted to heroin in 1960s New York when the problem was emerging.

Those who are trying to curb a heroin addiction take methadone at regular intervals to avoid the “craving” they would get without using it.

For many people, this has helped save their lives and get them back on track.

With methadone, they have been able to stay clean, rebuild their lives and examine why they were using heroin in the first place. Methadone allows a heroin addict to do all of these things while learning to live a sober lifestyle.

How Long Do I Use Methadone?

If your doctor has decided methadone will help your addiction, the time you’ll be on the medication will vary. Most people take methadone for around a year. However, there are individuals who take it for years. Some even take methadone for their entire lives.

A doctor must prescribe you methadone and you must be under a physician’s care to take it. Without this, you cannot continue your prescription.

Because methadone is a synthetic opioid, there are individuals that will buy and sell methadone illegally. Although methadone won’t harm your body’s internal organs or system no matter how long you stay on it, using it without a doctor can still be dangerous. If you’re not under a doctor’s supervision, you could take an incorrect amount and run the risk of arrest.

Where Do I Take the Methadone?

When you’re first prescribed methadone, you can only take it at a rehab clinic. You must take it in front of a member of staff. This is to prove you are taking the medication and are not stealing it to sell on the street.

Once you prove trustworthy, you may start to take the medication at home. However, you will still have to report back to the clinic every few days or weeks, depending on how long you’ve taken the medication. This is to monitor you and ensure things are going according to plan.

What is the Methadone Success Rate?

The methadone success rate is 60% to 90%. It should be noted that what people define as success is variable. Some define it as keeping clean, while others may define it as being off all types of drugs entirely. Methadone also has been shown to decrease mortality rates in it’s users from overdose.

Detoxing and not taking any medication to help you on your sobriety journey only has a success rate of 5% to 10%.

Why is Methadone Controversial?

Some programs believe that in order to be “clean” you must not be taking any medication. This would even include taking methadone or similar pills that can help curb the cravings.

There are some programs and rehab centers that not only discourage the use of medication but ban it from their programs. They believe it fosters a dependence on the medication and that you’re replacing one addiction for another.

Methadone has shown to dramatically decrease the risk of drug users relapsing, contracting Hepatitis C and AIDS, using while pregnant, reduces arrests, and improves the chances of the user to be employed or enroll in continuing education.

Still, the stigma that medication is just a “Band-Aid fix” abounds.

Using Methadone Can Also Curb Fatal Relapses

If a patient takes methadone and relapses, it may not necessarily be fatal. Often, a patient who has been clean for a while will relapse on their drug of choice. They might default to an old dose, which is much too high for them now that they’re detoxed. As a result, their “go-to dose” is actually fatal.

Instead, if someone on methadone relapses, their opioid tolerance remains incredibly high. If they do take the same amount of heroin or another drug that they did when they were actively using, they won’t face the same consequences. Instead, they won’t overdose but will be able to tolerate the heroin.

This is actually a lifesaver for individuals who relapse.

Busting the Stigma

Many people on methadone feel that there is an unfair stigma surrounding the drug and they’re not wrong. Many friends and family members also see it as a “Band-Aid” fix or question why they would need to be on the medication for so long.

But, many doctors look at drug addiction as an actual disease. When looking at it this way, it makes sense that someone would need medication to control their disease.

Wrapping Up

The methadone success rate is very high compared to going “cold turkey” or managing without medication. But due to the stigma and some people’s own reticence about pharmaceuticals, they may not want to try a methadone treatment.

If you believe methadone might be the right choice for yourself or a loved one who is suffering from addiction, discuss it with your doctor as soon as possible.

If you’re looking for more quality information on methadone treatment, visit our blog.

You can also give us a call at (855) 976- 2092!


[1] Is Methadone Treatment for Life? | CRC Health Group. (2018). Retrieved from

[2] Gossop M , et al. (1989). Lapse, relapse and survival among opiate addicts after treatment. A prospective follow-up study. – PubMed – NCBI. Retrieved from

[3] Langendam, M., Et al. (2001) The Impact of Harm-Reduction-Based Methadone Treatment on Mortality Among
Heroin Users. Retrieved from