Is drug addiction treatment worth its cost?
Eiliyah Calvert
Asked: 2018-04-05 21:15:11
I want to get better but scared about putting money into treatment. Is it worth the cost?
Christian Hogg
Answered: 2018-04-07 08:13:38
Of course treatment is worth it! Make sure you go to one that fits your needs and has therapy. You’ll be happy you went.
Reo Conley
Answered: 2018-04-06 12:40:28
Treatment saved my life and without it I wouldn’t be alive. I say yes one million times!
Chantelle Kay
Answered: 2018-04-06 12:09:01
Yes, yes and yes! You will learn so much about yourself in treatment. I highly recommend going.
Iram Nairn
Answered: 2018-04-06 05:27:42