how methadone affects the body
Shanaya Swanson
Asked: 2018-11-27 16:04:47
I’m curious as to what the affects methadone has on the body?
Lukas Powell
Answered: 2018-11-28 19:52:41
The short term affects methadone on the body are first a pain reliever, that can make you addicted to it which will have you keep coming back for more.
Corben O'Quinn
Answered: 2018-11-28 23:25:28
Side effects that can happen while on methadone that are not unbearable are things like headache, itching, blurred vision.
Inigo Whitaker
Answered: 2018-11-29 12:17:43
There are so many affects methadone has on the body, ranging from itching and addiction to death. I will forever have a short attention span because of the methadone.
Haiden Burrows
Answered: 2018-11-28 05:38:05