can you get high on opiates while on methadone
Sid Boyer
Asked: 2018-03-10 12:28:38
I’ve let my daughter move back in because she’s now on methadone and has kicked the pain meds. However, I’m concerned that she may be using again. Can you get high on pain pills whilst using methadone?
Pearl Dominguez
Answered: 2018-03-10 19:33:34
She can try, but it’s likely the methadone will block the feelings of euphoria so she won’t be able to get high.
Ralphie Parra
Answered: 2018-03-12 08:45:45
Methadone prevents withdrawal symptoms, but she won’t get the same high if she’s using Percocet or something like that.
Caiden Mcdermott
Answered: 2018-03-11 09:23:09
If you’re using something like Oxy on methadone, you’re not going to get the same high as you do, cos the methadone will block it. You will get shallower breathing and a chance of choking, so it’s not great.
Oriana Hussain
Answered: 2018-03-11 12:26:09